In bigg trouble

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Grossydabossy, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. So yesterday morning is my last day of midterms and like usual i go into school high with my friend. We get outta midterms and decide to smoke another blunt and go to taco bell which is only the next town over. So i spark a blunt in the school parking lot pull out drive the 15 minute drive to taco bellll and we still had about a half blunt left so we put it out and i throw it in my ash tray which had about 6 roaches in it. After we ate we head back to my house to play some xbox and about 5 minutes after i get into my house my dad walks in. he comes into my room tells my friend to leave cause he needed to talk to me about something important. Now i have no idea what he is about to say..anyways turns out he went in my car to pop the trunk to put some jumper cables he got me in the back and i left the ash tray open. He starts yelling saying how dumb i am and all this shit..then he asks me if i have any more weed and i tell him no. he leaves my room. right when he leaves i got up in my ceiling(i have tile ceiling) to move the stash to a better spot and he walks back in and sees what im doing so he tells me to stop and get down. I get down. he goes up and looks he finds and an oz that hasnt even been touched yet and 3 pints of lean. he takes all of this and puts it in a garbage bag and puts it in his car. he comes back in rippin and he starts saying all this shit about me screwing up big time and how i need to get my head on right. then he leaves for 15 minutes talks to my stepmom they both come in and tell me my punishment which is i have to come home right after school, they took my car keys, and the only place i can go is the gym cause i have training for lacrosse. it sucks but it beats getting caught by the cops
  2. Stay stong bro, I remember the first time I got caught, it sucks but everyone gets caught at least once in high school.
  3. are you 18 or older? Even my parents wouldn't take my keys away damn. But the whole O? NOOOOOOOOOO :cry::cry::cry::cry:
  4. You let him take youre oz and your keys..??? wtf???

    And you have to be home right after school ??

  5. The fuckin world we live in, its pathetic.
  6. im 17 mann lol.. my dad had to beat my ass for my keys this wasnt no joke he thinks im a crackhead

  7. Uh oh... I figured :wave:
  8. I knew it.. Wasnt going to say it though.

    mmmm still not gonna say it :laughing:
  9. haha its straight not bad like punches but i snatched the keys of my coffee table and he grabs my arm and gets me in some arm bar bs that he learned in the army. he is alot bigger than me prob the last person id try to pick a fight with. plus i was stoned.

  10. Oh my.

    Attached Files:

  11. that really sucks bro

    you should delete that post cause you'll prob get banned otherwise
  12. Haha fucking see you later buddy.:wave:
  13. :laughing:
  14. Just because they took his possessions does not mean he is underage. I know if I gave my kid something and I found out he was fucking up (fuckin up as in bad grades and the like) I would take everything back in a heartbeat. After all I'm the one who gave him those privileges. I wouldn't give a fuck if he was 18 or older, that shit is MINE not yours. I don't know what to say about that incriminating part...:hide:

  15. is that a joke because im baked.
    why do u have an oz at your house?
  16. Bye bye.
  17. can we get some fuckin banhammers round this bitch. jeez you guys are slippin.
    but i do feels 4 ya my lil brother is 16 and our parents caught him with a whole ziploc bag like stuffed full of blunt roaches i gave em for his birthday. so they whupped his ass and told em only smoke at my house from now on lulz:rolleyes:
  18. lol. that sucks. waste of a perfectly good ounce
  19. Stay away from marijuana, it is a destructive drug for millions young adults.

    -Leaf :smoking:
  20. [​IMG]

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