Improving my gaming experience

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by big cojones, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. The games look good but they don't play out well, sometimes laggy, objects/people disappear after a certain distance, etc. My desktop is very old so what can I replace besides the entire thing so I can actually shoot back at invisible people more than 100 meters away? Video card? Ram? Processor? I'm on vacation so I can't post all my specs but here's what I remember anyway.

    Windows xp sp3
    2 gigs of ram
    Nvidia geforce 6600 gt

    I hope that's enough info, sorry if it isn't.
  2. i would up the RAM. first off. then let the computer gurus come in and help with the rest.
    2 gb of RAM is barely enough for regular computing, let alone gaming.

  3. I agree and please feel free to giggle over my specs ;)
  4. [quote name='"big cojones"']The games look good but they don't play out well, sometimes laggy, objects/people disappear after a certain distance, etc. My desktop is very old so what can I replace besides the entire thing so I can actually shoot back at invisible people more than 100 meters away? Video card? Ram? Processor? I'm on vacation so I can't post all my specs but here's what I remember anyway.

    Windows xp sp3
    2 gigs of ram
    Nvidia geforce 6600 gt

    I hope that's enough info, sorry if it isn't.[/quote]

    Id up the ram to about 4gigs to 6 depending on your budget.

    A videocard upgrade wouldn't hurt. I have a BFG 260 card...something along those lines can help
  5. #5 Jumbo, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    First we gotta know what kind of computer this is. What kind of ram you take is very important, and what speed you already have is also important. Also gotta know the max amount of ram.

    It doesnt matter about windows at all so thats not really a spec at all lol...

    Also what games will matter too.

    Could easily be a shit processor too, making it basically necessary for new mobo and processor....
  6. Replace your card first. You can game on 2gb of ram, I have done it plenty in the past. Like others have said you need to post more detailed specs

    The video card is THE most important component for running games well, but the surrounding components like your Cpu and ram are important as well. We also need to know if you have a pci express slot on your motherboard, or if you just have the old pci slot

  7. He doesnt have PCI, more than likely AGP which is old as shit. They dont make cards with that anymore.

    Gonna need to find one that supports his mobo. Id recomend a new system, Sounds like yours is from about 2005 lol..
  8. They actually did make those cards for more than just agp slots which is why I wasn't sure. But yea we need more detailed specs to know for sure
  9. #9 big cojones, Aug 9, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2012
    Will do but I'm over 500km away from my desktop at the moment, I'm mainly looking to play fallout 3 or new vegas with maximum actor fade and etc and have some npc wars. I'm satisfied with the graphics on my 6600 gt.
  10. [quote name='"big cojones"']Will do but I'm over 500km away from my desktop at the moment, I'm mainly looking to play fallout 3 or new vegas with maximum actor fade and etc and have some npc wars. I'm satisfied with the graphics on my 6600 gt.[/quote]

    If your satisfied with your graphics card then you can upgrsde. Your mobo.ram and cpu.

    Dependin on your mobo. You can get DDR3 RAM etc. Upgrade your cpu to dual. Quad or even 6 processors
  11. A lot of good suggestions. One thing to keep in mind is that Windows XP (unless it's the 64 bit) won't use any more than like 3/3.5gb of ram. So if you go up to 4GB you won't get the entire 4gb to use. I personally would probably try the vid card first although depending on your mobo/processor they could also be an issue.
  12. Urinate on your old setup... Then burn it with a flame thrower.
    Then proceed to buy an entirely new set up.
  13. Dude you can build a budget amd build for 6-800 or a budget intel for not much more and it would Shit all over your current setup

    Might be a little to old to salvage
  14. Depending on your mobo and it's ability to be upgraded you can figure out what to upgrade.

    If your motherboard isn't compatitible with newgen hardware then you need to start with that.

    You'll probably have to get a new psu as well
  15. first off, give me your budget and I will give you a list of what I think will be good for you if you wish to buy a new setup
  16. Yeah whats your budget?

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