[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rUsRCyS6PU]YouTube - Strombo Talks About The Impending Metered Internet[/ame] has any one else had to start paying per GB of internet? personally i think this is bullshit. every month since i have started my house hold has gone over. they started us with two, we upped to 7 (they said "i doubt you will go over") now were at 16 gb per months and were still going over. meaning we are paying for extra GBs AND an overage fee, FUCK THAT!! Stop The Meter On Your Internet Use | OpenMedia.ca i think every blade should sign this,
I just read it and it "Looks" like its only for Canadians, but i still signed it cause thats JUST BULLSHIT!
In FL and a few other states Comcast is limiting internet usage to 250GB a month.... I cant believe it....They also mention that they just meter it and that they dont monitor what files are downloaded/uploaded.
i'ma start stealing internet like back in the day when i used to stealing cable. take that neighbor who lets there dog shit on my lawn
no, i don't think the government has any business at all telling internet providers what to do. if you don't like their system, stop buying it.
i wish they started me off at 250, thats a lot, i think it would be hard to pass that, they started every one at 2 GB so they basically had to upgrade there package to more GBs a month.
First They came... - Pastor Martin Niemoller First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Ive got the 25mbps down/5mbps up package, cost a lil more so maybe they have different amounts..yours at 250 now? I use like 2GB in 2 days lol wtf is wrong wit those ppl
I remember there was a time when you could get a decent dial-up connection in the 90's for free. Those days are over though. Not that anybody in their right minds would dare get dial-up anymore.
no im only at 16 GB a month, the guy i quoted was at 250. 2 GB is fuckin nothing its bullshit. 16 is fuckin nothing too ahah