Important read!!! It will change your life!!

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by budsmokn420, Dec 1, 2010.

  1. Thanks tyler. That's exactly right. I really wanted to help that guy but from what I read, it's something that needs to "click" in his head for him to understand this. No human can teach another person this stuff if they didnt have that "OHH now I get it" sort of moment. I'm sure if pursues this subject on his own and researchs, he will get that moment...everyone does eventually.

    - peace, joy, love, and light
  2. #62 Insurgency, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2010

    How is a religious person who says, "Oh I can't explain God to you because you have not experienced. You must experience God for yourself," not the same as buds post " I can tell I can no longer explain in words the details of this to you." I agree that I have to find the answers myself, but you can not exclude me just because I haven't experienced whatever the OP is describing.

    No Religion and the OP use that method because they reach the point where scientific experimentation no longer fits with their beliefs. When they are asked metaphysical questions, they exclude the scientific believer because he "hasn't experienced it yet."

    No people want to learn what experience this is. What if I were to have a religious experience and it brought me toward the Christian God. What about all the Muslims who have experienced that bring them closer to Allah? The question for you to answer is, "Which religious/spiritual experience is correct?"

    Surely devote Christians, Muslims, and Jews will claim they have experienced their God, which is not what the OP describes. Which is it sir?

    And what if my answers do not lead me to the OP theory he describes? Will I be one of the people who are damned? Do you and the OP claim to be enlightened and have all the answers?

    Just because I have questions does not mean I don't have that "OHH now I get it" sort of moment? Perhaps you have no read any of Tris' threads of the past on this forum. He provided similar beliefs (minus the space ships) and he never excluded me. He had more answers than you, which is why I am convinced that the true reason you cannot answer my questions, is because you yourself do not have them yet.

    Perhaps you should study the ancient mysteries of Ancient Egypt. "Initiate to the Mysteries" is the school of belief for that, and that is what I belong to. Before you claim that I have not experienced anything, make sure you know my own beliefs first.

  3. Science simply can't explain everything because we are the ones who takes the reins of science and we have no idea what the bigger picture is. What we think is the universe could just be little cells inside a bigger life form.

    OP no one knows what is going to happen. Be a little more careful when you start throwing the word "truth" around.

    I'm not saying what you came up with will or will not happen. I'm saying no one knows for sure, besides possibly the head honcho.

  4. yes thanks for the suggestion. I think I misused the word in my original post. i meant it is MY truth. By that I mean it my beliefs. i think ill edit it now.

  5. Im sorry you dont understand...this is no place for arguements my friend. we are all one :)
  6. @fatbluntsyo - I can tell you that I am not a member of any specific religion, and do not believe anyone is going to be "damned." I would appreciate it if you wouldn't put arguments up that no one is making.

    That being said, NO ONE has all the answers. There are theories that attempt to explain the higher dimensions in further depth than we are here. (I would link them but ps3 makes it take so long.) A very basic intro to quantum physics is what started me on this journey, and the realization that everything at its simplest form is energy. I wont claim to be enlightened, but I do have a desire for knowledge which im sure you do as well. If you want answers to any questions I will do my best to explain, but In the end its your journey for information that will lead you to the answers.

  7. i agree 100%. your personal journey really takes you places...and everyone is different.

    BTW do I sound like I know all the answers? Please be honest...if I do am so sorry. If I do I didn't notice it and that is something I need to change as quick as possible. That is NOT how I want to portray myself AT ALL. Thank you in advance. :)
  8. @budsmokn - let me ask you, do you think you're coming off as knowing all the answers? I personally believe everything is subjective in life, that being the case, you need not worry what other peoples opinions are.
  9. #69 Insurgency, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2010

    My apologies if I am coming off as arguing or rude, that is just my personality. It is how I am when it comes to philosophical debates about spirituality. I am simply asking you questions because your beliefs seem to me as a much more outrageous and modified version of mine. That is why I ask.

    My problem with you is that you claim I do not understand. Perhaps I am getting to the core of your beliefs, to compare, which will allow for a union of discussion. Besides, you have no idea what my beliefs are besides "Initiate to the Mysteries."

    How am I not damned if I chose not to believe these Aliens are helping us? If I can find Love without their help, what is the purpose of even having them?

    Exactly, glad we agree on something.

    And have you asked yourself where this energy came from?, going off the definition that matter can not be created or destroyed, just transferred.

  10. No I dont...I think it may come off to some people as that, but I'm just trying to explain my beliefs to people the best I can. I just wanted to know from an outside point of view.

  11. Ok. I guess i misunderstood you then. You came off very argumentative to me and it sort of sounded like were trying to cause havoc...I think we both misunderstood each other lol. I can't believe I judged you, am truly sorry...that is not the kind of person I am.

    you can re-ask any questions you have but can you try limit them because its hard to give good detailed answers to 10 questions in one post. I hope you understand brother and accept my apology.

    Just a small glimpse, some may have been expressed a bit confusing.

    Other than that, no further questions.

    Thanks for the attempted discussion :p
  13. Seriously, you're the only one saying youre going to be damned. May I ask you where you got that info? I do believe love is the answer as well, so we can agree on that i think. It also seems that there's a lot of communication errors going on but again I can't argue for the op.

    I do not believe these aliens are some form of god that without our help we'll be damned. Simply that they may come at some point to help us advance (Is that REALLY that unbelievable?)
  14. Yes it is actually, because we have no proof of even one intelligent being existing. You would have a better time convincing someone saying that Jesus will return.
  15. #75 budsmokn420, Dec 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2010
    Welcome to Project Camelot Portal

    [ame][/ame] you can find the other parts in the "related videos" on youtube

    There is so much proof it's overwhelming. It will take you months to go through all of this information on these sites.

  16. I had a feeling you would link me to the Disclosure Project. I would like to point out something for you, which shows the gualibility that the media provides to individuals.

    Quoted from the main page:

    This exact same argument is used by Alex Jones on the United States creating a New World Order for domination of the human race.

    [ame=""]YouTube - Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.[/ame]

    And this proves that you should be engaged in this thread:

    This is why you believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see.

  17. I'm talking about the private interviews done by The Disclosure Project and Project Camelot. They are real people with real experiences and there are hundreds of them. I don't get what you are trying to say. This has nothing to do with the media. And just for the record I don't like Alex Jones very much, he puts out a lot of fear and no Love.

    EDIT - Trust me, I know all about the MSM. They are all controlled and owned by the illuminati.

  18. My problems. If this was as true as you say, then it would be on our news channels more than the oil spill. Freedom of information act would allow all to know, the Disclosure group does not have to wait for the government to come out with details. They claim that if the government doesn't reveal these "facts" to the people, they will. This has been said for years now.

    I am trying to say, what makes the Disclosure project more accurate than Alex Jones? Those private interviews could easily have used to be another interpretation of what Eisenhower was saying.

  19. oh ok. IMO alex jone's info is accurate. I just dont like his attitude. He has actual proof and classified documents so I dont know why you wouldn't believe him.
  20. Well thats exactly why I could exclude you because had you experienced something similar you'd be in the same boat of beliefs as him...and you to would see eye to eye...or close enough. It's not our job to teach anybody thats what religion tries to do...this is informative take it or leave OP has been saying nobody has to comment.

    I'm not even going to finish reading that because it seems like you're turning somewhere completely different

    you should maybe listen to some alan watts cause I was very surprised to find out all these things we're experiencing have been figured out and they are completely understood by some people from previous experience and study

    The experience is always this...yourself...your higher self comes can start with a feeling or a voice or a vision or a new outlook on life typically dont know what it is at first unless you've been aiming for it

    and so people have a tendcy to relate this to their closest beliefs or historical figures in religion they know best...if this happens to an american they could be quick to feel like they are Jesus or Jesus and them are one...because their Inner Christ as awoken

    or in Buddhism its Satori that they would understand they're experiencing

    In some other religion they could think they have been directly possessed or are talking to a God from another planet...

    but what you'll learn afterwards through learning is that its you!

    The beauty of the awakening is the realization that you know have the power and knowledge within you and you're free to do whatever you'd like with can twist it and turn it into whatever....its thinking on a level others couldnt imagine most of the time

    I'd say the main problem with me trying to explain this to you is that in person the conversation would go much differently and maybe you would understand much more clear. Its not my responsibility to try and bless this gift to anybody else especially not at this what I'm doing right now may indeed just be pointless....

    but it just is what it iss

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