important nute question

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by br0 man 10, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. ok so i just went to homedepot to get some flowering nutes. i got a call from a buddy to go some were so i had to rush, i pretty much got what looked best but i didnt look through every thing and what ever. so anyways i picked up some schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus, my question is will these nutes be good to flower with or should i pick up somthing else?

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  2. #2 WhobeBoo, Jun 2, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 2, 2009
    Are we talking about dirt or hydro?

    If you do a search on Schultz in the titles (advanced search options), it will pull up some threads regarding this plant food.

    Good Luck
  3. dirt and ill give the search a go around thanks, do u have anything suggestions on the nutes?
  4. Sorry... I'm doing hydro... but I was able to find a bunch of info on soil nutes.... click the search button, select advanced search, enter 'soil nutrients' and select seach titles only and it will bring up a bunch of info that you are looking for...

    Good Luck :D
  5. bump for some help please
  6. It's good if it is not time release. Do you know if it is or not?
  7. get fox farm grow big for veg nutrients.
  8. vdo i dont think its time release but i could be wrong and dc im looking for flowering nutes and foxfarm is know were to be found were i live. do you guys know if the schultz i got will work ???
  9. i would get the miracle grow ColorBloom, its like 16, 30, 15. its the only legit thing i could find from H.D
  10. is the colorbloom in a pink package and it says its for flowers????

  11. myea, and the letters are written in rainbow
  12. damn i bought that a while back but returned it, have you had experience with colorbloom has it worked well for you?

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