Important: Elect Ron Paul for President 2012 - Help End the War On Drugs!

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by RonPaulPres2012, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. #1 RonPaulPres2012, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
    Ron Paul is the only Presidental candidate standing up for our personal freedom and liberties. He recently cosponsored a bill to legalize marajuana. He has voted against the unconstitutional and harmful war on drugs at every chance for 30 years!

    I strongly encourage everyone in this community to help elect Ron Paul for President in 2012. Donate to his campaign at Find local meetup groups at Join facebook groups. Get bumberstickers and shirts. Talk with your family and friends. Get Involved! There is a HUGE grassroots Ron Paul community, 100 times greater than any other republican candidate; but it continues to be an up hill battle because the establishment and media discredit him on issues like this; because he supports for personal liberty in all areas of life. It is a 1st amendment issue! We need enough participating activists to offset this establishment and media bias!

    I strongly beleive the future of our country and personal liberties depends on electing Dr. Paul. If you don't know about Dr. Ron Paul, please take the time to do some research. Here is 1 of a zillion sites to start with:

    Great Video: [ame][/ame]
  2. I understand this is a marijuana forum, but don't just vote for Ron Paul just based on his drug policy. I understand hes a good candidate, but he doesn't need more supporters who just like him due to this one stance or just know him due to this one stance.
  3. #3 RonPaulPres2012, Jun 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2011
    Thank you cookiepookie and I completely agree. As you alluded to, I focused on ending the drug war so my post would be relevant to the site. I beleive the people of this forum, as much as anywhere in the internet, value individual rights and not having the government lock up individuals for non-violent personal choices. This is however, as you said, one of many important issues we face today.

    I am very impassioned by Ron Paul because his consistent support for liberty and the constitution across the board as well as having looked into his 30 year record of consistently championing such things, often at odds with his party and the establishment.

    He is also the ONLY candidate that would impliment a non-interventionist foreign policy ending the unconstitutional wars in the middle east. This would save us trillions of dollars and make us safer at home. We are bankrupt and cannot afford having 1/3 of our budget going towards policing the world.

    Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate that would repeal the 4th amendment killing patriot act that gives permission to the government to wiretap, indefinitely imprison without theright of habeas corpus, torture, murder, and assassinate individuals including American citizens simply by some bureaucrat in Washington labeling them an "enemy of the state". History shows us that an enemy of the state is NOT always an enemy of the people.

    But don't take my word for it; Dr. Paul sells himself on the issues to any open minded thinking person that takes the time investigate what he stands for. That being said, again I reccomend form users at least give him a look:

    ... and if you like what you see. Please get involved.

    Thank you cookie cookie pookie for the thoughtful comment.

  4. wooo! ron paul's got my vote!
  5. why is it that everytime newsdicks get on this story, they always have to bring up coke/heroin/meth? does anybody think even for a second that any state anywhere would legalize meth? shit's made of draino and bleach yo.

  6. I can't tell you how many single issue voters there are....
  7. I've voted for Ron Paul before, I personally don't support the use of any non natural drugs. He has some good views on some modern issues.
  8. Well I'm libertarian by nature so voting for Ron Paul isn't that hard of a choice for me to make.
  9. Vote Ron Paul and audit the fucking FED! This position of his is the MOST important in my opinion. Sadly, having witnessed Barry Obama say the drug war was a failure on the campaign trail didn't mean much come his term now, did it? I fear many will remember that and dismiss Sen. Paul as well.
  10. Ending the wars would be the most important thing that he could do quickly and without congress. But, I'm with you floating_by; ending the Fed and monetary reform is the most important issue. Almost nobody in this country understands that the Federal Reserve is a private, for profit bank, not part of the government, and since they control the money, they really control everything.

    A good intro documentary on the centralized banking system:
    [ame=]Money As Debt[/ame]

  11. well all his policies are amazing and everything he says i agree with....he is an individual who has woken up and is not like these other political fucks. he is a true honest guy who makes sense and every other candidate looks like an idiot compared to his wisdom.
  12. Agreed, I was a supporter of the wars when they first started. Alot of family members fought in them, and a few died. We just have no real purpose for being there now.. And agreed with the Federal Reserve as well, no one understands that. They have these crazy theories of who runs the U.S. and stuff, when its easy to see it is actually the Fed Reserve lol.
  13. I would NOT want Ron Paul to win... maybe if our country wasn't so corrupt.. IF he was elected which wouldn't happen, he would be assassinated quickly remember JFK?

  14. All recreational drugs should be legal, in fact, the only one I can think of that should be outlawed is tobacco. Why you ask? Because tobacco is the only one that causes health problems to people who are merely around those who use it.

    Meth, cocaine, and heroin, should be legal to use for adults who understand the decision they are making, regardless of how it's manufactured or what it does to your body, people should be allowed the freedom to do whatever harm to their own bodies they wish, the only time the law should get involved is when it begins to affect people who do not elect to use said drugs.
  15. Absolutely every single drug should be legal. I want other people out of my living room. If meth is what you need to be happy no one should be able to deny it to you. Who the fuck are you to say you know what's best for me?

    Also why do people think meth is made of drano and shit? That's just more ridiculous government propganda. Methamphetamine is a molecule. It can't be created by just mixing random poisons.
  16. As much as we would all like to see Ron Paul elected, it's not going to happen, plain and simple.

    I mean, he doesn't stand a chance in the GOP establishment, he's too liberal. They all hate him, and you people think he has a chance? Hell no, this man is not going to get elected as the republican candidate - you know it, I know it. Even if you are "voting" for him, your opinion doesn't matter or even count, the only opinion that matters in the election of candidates for presidency, is the word of our politicians.

    If he would've joined another party I think he may have had a chance. But in the republican, corporate world? Not a chance guys. Sorry to bring the unwanted news
  17. The bipartisanism in this country is preposterous. If you tell someone you're not a democrat or republican they act like you just showed them a square circle.

  18. Well the gop doesn't elect him so it doesn't really matter what the fuck they like or not.
  19. I'm finally of legal age to vote (20) ...i hope he gets the nomination. I'm going to do my part.
  20. #20 greenterror, Jul 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2011
    Seriously? I understand your logic, and I agree that he would have a HUGE target over him, but he offers the much needed change. Look at how old he is anyways, I think even he would rather win presidency and be assassinated than to not win at all. If President Ron Paul were to be assassinated and that didn't wake up the sleeping sheeple and trigger a new revolution, I don't know what will.

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