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Important cannibutter/oil help

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by butters49, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Ok.


    Ive never made brownies... before and i wanna do it.
    Here is a link for a cannibutter recipe:

    Looks legit.

    Then here is one that is for pot/canola oil:

    The canola oil one looks like it will take a lot less time to make. So im sorta drifting toward that route.
    Any Recomendations?
    If i choose to use the canola oil method; how much better is it?
    and what are all the ratios for dope to butter
    and dope to oil...?

    Also, is there like a certain temp i should be cooking at, lower than regular non-pot brownies?
    plz help smokers.

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