Immigration? USA? UK Weed Laws :@

Discussion in 'General' started by PincyPot, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. Hello to you all!

    Iv made this post, motivated by frustration.

    The UK weed laws are really getting on top of me.
    Theres nothing great about the UK thats worth staying here for, and being a stoner, its just a sad sad place to live.

    My solution to these problems is to move to the country-side. I figure no one would bother me out there for growing or smoking, but why the f*** should i have to turn to being a hermit to smoke a bit of ganja?

    I'm seriously thinking about just getting out of here. I'm so jealous of how you americans can smoke, grow and buy quite hassle-less. Ofc these things are privileges that come with official residency, but i would be prepared to see out the 3 years it is.(?)

    Im a freelance graphic/web designer, and my gf is a hospital cleaner.
    Do you think theres place for us? And where?

    There's no place for us here, its only a matter of time til we immigrate.
  2. Not to discourage you from coming to the US, but are you sure there isn't another place closer to home that would provide the same benefits you're looking for?
  3. Well i dunno tbh.

    I suppose im quite lost altogether, iv not done much research at all into what places would be possibilities.

    I suppose its the stash jar thread that does it for me, and the medical growing licenses available that initially made me think cali, but i know very little about how i would move and what i would find there in terms of lifestyle.
  4. Sure. There is a place for everyone. The best thing I can offer is a website for this particular instance. Moving. You should research the places you think you would like to be, and then find jobs using the newspapers of those places. Check and see how many opportunities there are for your chosen line of work. From there, find an apartment you can afford and find out how much money you need to pay rent for 6 months.

    It's all in planing. There are certain things you need. Money, shelter, employment and a refundable return ticket. If things don't work in the six months you're here, you have a way back home and if they do work out, you can sell the ticket and get a refund.

  5. NEW ZEALAND!!! We're, chill, funny, welcoming, and love to toke up. :eek:
  6. If you know you can get a legit medical card go to Colorado or California. Shit's blowing up like no other over there, going to be legal in both states by 2012. I'm sure you could get jobs designing sites for dispensaries, jump on the bandwagon so to speak before its legal so you have your name out there when it is legal.
  7. Basically you need a badass job to move state side, that or marry an american girl, I am from the UK myself, when I was 10 years old my mother married my step father, shortly after that his job relocated to Ann Arbor, MI (he worked for Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company) so we moved there, well 3 years later when I was 13, my mother and step dad got divorced, as I was no longer part of the family with a badass job me, my bro and mother had to move back to the UK, that fucking sucked.

    Now i'm 18 and my mother and ex step dad have been talking again on the phone and emails etc. On Thursday she is going over there to visit him, I really really really hope they hit it off and get married again so I can move back to the states, he is in Connecticut now I believe.

    Well don't know why I said all that but i'm just saying you basically need to get a really good degree and apply for a job over in the US and go from there, and that is only if you are really serious about it, OR take a long ass vacation to the US and meet someone and marry them!
  8. My brother, 22, is in the same shoes as you. Ok his motives are a little less focused on weed but on a career but you're both looking to immigrate.

    Hes looking to move to Barcelona pretty soonish as he has found a job out there in financial investment working with British expats. He had the opportunity to move to anywhere in the world, well not literally anywhere but everywhere that British expats like to go: America, Dubai, Australia, China, Europe etc. The reason that he chose Barcelona was due to his travels around Europe and found that Barcelona was the best city due to its livelyness, weather and general optimism.

    Also Spain has a relaxed attitude to smoking and growing bud so thats that ticked off, Spain is hard hit by the recession but since you can take your work anywhere in the world shouldn't be a problem?

    Source: Spain

    Good luck with what you do mate, don't go out there without plenty of research under your belt.
  9. I've been wanting to move to the States for years, I've been to America 10 times (Family in Virgninia) and every time i go over i love it.

    But im 18, and I just highly doubt i could hold the rent for an apartment with the low paid job i'd probably get =/.. sucks man.

    Hope you get to move though, I think you'd be able to make it with your graphic and web design skills :).
  10. I don't think America is the best place if its all about smoking. Another thing is America is in a recession at the moment and jobs are not the easiest thing to find around here. I will agree with the accessibility to ganj, pipes, and other smoking related items, but it is still illegal to possess THC in most all states. I would def do some research before moving here. Cali would be great for you it sounds like but it is SOOOOOOOO damn expensive to live on the West Coast. I hope everything turns out for ya man!:smoking:
  11. Well i dunno, maybe sounds like the US isnt the place, but being so alike the UK in so many ways itd feel quite homely i think, and the americans are nice :) dont think theyd let me in though by the sounds of it.

    Id be interested in an expat job if i knew where to look.

    Be sweet for a dispensary owner to employ me as a designer and i could live in his basement til i had money :p

    Who knows where, but i know ill be leaving the UK if they dont wisen up on the weed laws.
  12. try spain,their laws r quite relaxed,but as someone said b4 New Zealand is a lovely part of the world!!
  13. Okay so you're from Scotland, which is a pretty dog place to be when it comes to weed. You really dont need to think about moving to the US for decent weed, how about just moving to England? I'm from a little bumfuck nowhere town in Norfolk, and I'm able to locate weed whenever, and even when i cant find any decent strains (in the past few months theres been Cheese, Mango, Skunk & Lemon Skunk off the top of my head) theres always a supply of decent 'mids' quality about. It's all about who you know, not where you are. Of course you're gonna have a better chance of finding stuff easier in a place where it's more culturally prevalent, but im sure there is always an opportunity closer to home.

    As a side note about general UK stoner culture, it needs refining yes, but it is by no means a niche. I've found that a considerable amount of people smoke, but nobody really flaunts it to people outside of their group of friends as you see in American stoner culture. And with regards to public opinion and how police deal with it, I think most people who dont succumb to populist tabloid propaganda either dont give a fuck what people do in their own time, or see past the lies and bullshit and realise its not a terrible substance. Especially in light of the recent ACMD scandal with the sacking of David Nutt over his (scientifically based) claims that Cannabis, Ecstasy and LSD are less damaging than Alcohol.

    Also pub gardens, those whose patrons are of the younger, alternative or student like persuasions, are your friend when it comes to tokers.
  14. hehehe

  15. Yeah you make a very good point, it is about who you know, and there is pot everywhere. But when it comes down to it, i know the supply here and it isnt good.

    Theres always the grow your own option, but id like to do that without the worry of my door being kicked!

    There just simply isnt supply enough, even when the good stuff comes its gone in a night so its a once a month at very best.

    This country has a fucked up view on weed altogether, people dont flaunt cause you'l be outcast for it, whether it be at work or by your neighbors. Its a touchy subject to speak out loud about anyway. I just love the thought of being able to grow in my garden without neighbors and police involved, it is a plant after all.

    I just find it wrong that i feel the best place for me is out of societies sight, when im sure a lot of cultures would appreciate me as a good citizen, not treated like a coke dealer or smackhead!
  16. Just don't move to Poland. Laws are fucked :laughing:
  17. haha so iv heard :p

    put to the ground for a bit of pot?

    Thats too far if iv ever seen it :p
  18. Dude 6year old thread
  19. He was a spammer, spammers gotta spam what a spammer can spam.

    I put him out of his pain though.

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