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Immidiate kick

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hempish, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. hey GC whats up?

    i was just wondering why I don't get the same immidiate kick from weed as from hash? I started smoking hash about half a year ago, and lately i've been smoking more weed. Anyway, i don't get that immidiate kick from weed that i do from hash.. I thought it was just my tolerance etc, but it turns out this weekend when i smoked some hash again, that it immidiately hit me. with weed it takes like 5-10 minutes to feel it really. I don't like tobacco, but we smoked tha hash with some baccy and a little ganja. does anyone know why the hash kicks in at once? is it the tobacco (bong)? i love that punch! :)

    long post lol
  2. well you don't really get an immediate kick from weed either, it takes a few minutes to feel the hit, and about 15 min to peak. i think maybe you're just having a placebo effect.

    but doesn't hash get you way more stoned than weed? jw, i've never smoked hash unfortunately, though i would love to try it.
  3. You dont get the same kick because hash is more concentrated and potent, which is why people make it.:wave:
  4. Yea, hash hits me much much faster than weed. Thats why I like hash, its wasy to see how much you need.
  5. No, its not a placebo effect :) right after you exhale a nice milked chamber it just hits you in a totally different way than weed. you should try it, come to norwaty its hash everywhere!
  6. Hash is stronger.
  7. Depends on the weed you are blazing. This immediate kick is what I like to call chronic absorbtion. That is the heavy feeling you get when you take a fat ripper of hash or doja. It is the feeling of thc entering your bloodstream through the capillary cells in your lungs.
    With hash you get a slug to the chest because it is full of thc and this irritates your capillary cells (which gets you higher.)
    With this here weed (Bubba Kush that looks like it was snowed on) my lungs feel like they got hit by a train.
    So overall it depends on the thc content of your secret stash whether it be hash or dank. ;)
  8. thanks!
    yea i know hash is more concentrated, i was just wondering if the kick was becuse of this or if it was becuse of som other hash property :)

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