IMF Approves New Credit Line to Bail out Europe, US on the hook for bill

Discussion in 'Politics' started by xmaspoo, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. All hail the imf!
  2. Fed may give loans to IMF to help euro zone: paper | Reuters

    Not only is there a eurozone bailout, there is now a second bailout being planned through the IMF, and of course the US will be picking up the tab for a portion of the former and a majority of the latter.

    More funny money, more loans, more debt, more prosperity??


  3. More credit???? Holy crap these people are stupid. But, I suppose it also makes perfect sense. Only people this ignorant could have possibly created the mess we're in in the first place.

    Can anyone else see a way out of this that doesn't involve a global financial melt down?
  4. Next time some preppy little french chick starts up about how America is full of ignorant fat slobs I'll just reply by saying such great come backs as "I paid for your electric bill bitch!"

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