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Imagine how much money you'd saved if ya did'nt smoke..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by 4grls2bongs0wry, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. The thousands of $ on: bud, excess food bought when high, papers/blunts, bongs, bowls, hookahs, etc..the list goes on and on I believe...just a random any of yall ever think about that?(im budless at the moment so thats probably why the thought came up lol)..but will I ever stop? HA! funny.. :smoke:
  2. And thats why i grow it.

  3. I looked into doing that..had a list of what i needed to buy, price, and where to get it...until i realized im too lazy to actually do it..takes ALOT of determination i could kudos to ya..foreal..Id be a sad sad guy without yall lol
  4. I didn't know I was wasting my money.
  5. I can't think of anything else I would rather spend it on....:confused:
  6. I did think about this recently. I went through my bank statements to find out how much of my income went to weed at any given time. It was a noticeable chunk, but nothing that I wouldn't spend on another hobby.

    Ultimately, I figured out that I was meeting all of my basic needs and comforts, and that the money I thought I didn't have turned out to be money I didn't really need.

  7. never said it was a waste :smoke:
  8. ^ Yeah true that. I love video games and the money spent on the internet, the electricity, the set up(tv, system, controllers, headset, etc.), and the games themselves from DLC to downloadable to discs it is A LOT more than weed in the long run(for me anyways). As both weed and gaming can get expensive I always find it enjoyable/worth it.
  9. Weed - $50
    Star Trek the Next Generation Season 1 - $30

    Money well spent. Its no different than spending your money on something else.
  10. Imagine how much fun you would lose.

  11. lol sounds good..EXCEPT one little thing..itll be Star Wars for me haha
  12. My weed is in the dark closet right now getting bigger and dankier
  13. I am going to look into growing soon.....
  14. I don't smoke cigs, so that probably helps.
  15. Think about all the money you wasted buying that soft drink, that pillow you dont really need, that book you never read and that toy you never played with. Its just like using it on any other necessity, makes. no. difference.
  16. #16 Smooth Criminal, Mar 28, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 28, 2012
    If I didn't smoke.I'll probably be spending more money on cigarette's,food,money on friend's and more pointless stuff.It doesn't make a difference.Money goes (mostly on pointless shit),and come's back.

    Spending money on weed isn't a much of a problem to me.It's pretty worth it sometimes instead of buying with it alcohol cigarette's,more food or whatever.
  17. yea, i personally dont smoke tobacco, but weed is like anything else i would of spent that money on..and for me if it wasnt weed it would be more tattoos and theyre more expensive than bud
  18. Its either weed or unmentionables, so weed it is :)
  19. It wouldn't have even mattered because I'm sure I'd find some other bullshit to spend it on.

    It's not like I'm trying to build a trust fund for the kids I obviously have.
  20. I wouldn't have it any other way :) I don't drink Alcohol so I can spend alot more money on weed. Weed gets me super chilled and I love everything about being high.

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