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Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by supercoco, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Oxycodone 30mgs crushed up ready to rail!




    Can u say marijuana?


    Various goodies


    Adipex script


    More stuff to come

    p.S ( i hated my other thread becasue all the images were 1000x to big,so this is the new one!:wave:
  2. Ewww, do you know how many STD-infested strippers' gstrings that dollar has been in? Do yourself a favor and use a 20 at least gosh :p

    Nice lines btw, I wish i had oxys to rail... and pot to smoke...
  3. does snorting that shit really make a difference? does it matter if its oxy, percs, vics?
  4. I always use straws for that reason koro.
    And Adipex is not Adderall, it's Phentermine. That's really good for losing weight, and a mild euphoria. But I'm jealous. i would kill (well, not really) for some Phen right now.
  5. Yes, railing oxys and percs as well as most pills makes them hit harder and faster. Don't rail vicodin tho just cuz it's like 95% acetaminophen.

  6. Yea,i know its not adderall,haha my sis got it prescribed for weight loss and was like "here ya go"

    haha but i usually have some vyvanse but theyre all gone for this month,comedowns are a bitch:rolleyes:

    Hahaha,i dont think ill get stds for a little dust shooting into my sinus,haha.

    ill take more pics later
  7. Right now i got a date with sum perocet,weed and a movie haha
  8. Damn sounds like fun, enjoy yourself man. :wave:

  9. Actually man, the surface of a dollar bill or a coin is too rough and dry to sustain most bacteria. Of course, there are some bacteria that can survive on them, but the most widely known pestilent contractions can't.
  10. The movie was alright, it was Final Destination,but the best was being high while noddin

  11. New Pics!

    Hypodermic Needles ( no i dont do heroin,theyre mainly to sell to my little steroid buddys haha)


    JOINTS! ( i know some of these were in my other thread but they were 2 million x to big)





    Tha tha tha thats all folks! (for today):smoke:
  12. what a mess! you could easily gather another line with all the left overs..and should
  13. just had to point the fact out that we got the same doc ps you're retarded

  14. don't use money period

    use pen tubes. i've been using the same tube for almost 2 years (i clean it after almost every use, and before and it it is PERFECT for sniffin with)

  15. lol yea,i know,i kinda fucked up when i crushed it,and i did scrape the shit out of that surface and got another small line,haha,i have a rule, NONE WASTED.

    What?,that made no sense whatsoever,how did you see the doctor name? im retarded?

    Wtf are you talking about?:confused:
  16. i remember my first beer
  17. ^Wrong thread?

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