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Im wide awake, it's morning

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by thebigd^, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. How ya guys doin?

    Good morning, who else is on?

    (anyone else get the pun from the title?)
  2. im up too, its 7 am here. Im gunna get baked with my friend l8r, you?
  3. pawn shop, job apps, and I need to grab another G of coke or I wont survive the day. im exhausted and couldn't sleep
  4. BUMP

    am i the only one awake?
  5. Hello. Bought to go get baked as well with a few of my friends later while they're trippin. Needed an experience tripper so they called me. :hello::smoking:
  6. got some high rev coffee, have to work today. Might have some sex with some women, who knows.:cool:
  7. i cant sleep in for some reason after a night of im awake lol...hopefully im going to hempfest in boston today but idk for sure...will know in a couple hours tho
  8. dude if you have ustop there, drop by and see if they have this high rev cappuccino, the shit has twice as much caffiene, but it tastes like you are drinking a candy bar.

  9. haha thats the time that happened to me so they wanted me to be their driver/trip i did that and in turn i got smoked up a TON lol...was funny too haha
  10. Lol, yeah I'm looking forward to seeing what people are like when they're tripping because usually I'm the one tripping with someone else but I've never witnessed someone tripping with me being only high.
  11. im awake. im pilld the f.uck up
  12. #12 baker28g, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    poppingg valium 10mg's , drinking sum 211 , waiting 4 sum nug all while playing madden Ps3. gonna be a sick day . Off all weekend too!!!!!
  13. ^ What team? Iggles?
  14. Why is it so hard to get fucking benzos prescribed >_< i have no health insurance and no fucking doctor

    i have sad ffs
  15. Blazing, watching some tv,

    gonna go out to lunch later with some people.
  16. girl at my work gets them by the 100's , 2 $ a pop

    Eagles baby! Philly represent !!!:smoking: P3 ID- BlueMagic610
  17. Was wide awake at 9 am today. When ever I wake up that early and can get right out of bed it usually calls for a bowl to be packed.

    Smokin a bowl for my early morning homies
  18. Hadda wake my buddy up at 8 today, sat in bed till around 9, then got up, came in the bathroom, got my bubbler ready, smoked a bowl and now I'm about to shower. Laptop ftw :D

    Ugh I'm out of bud!! I got a half of some dank for $100 from a friend and i had 3 people all ask for 8ths and a random guy ask for a gram and then I smoked me my bit. Fuck. Oh well I made bank :D
  19. i woke up like an hour ago...

    i was gonna smoke and get some breakfast burritos but i dunno what happened and now mcdonalds is done serving breakfast. fuck!
  20. yea i got the same problem i cant sleep in at all after drinkin

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