Im tweaking out!!! i need some advice

Discussion in 'General' started by nugs man, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. okay so today my landlord shows up and luckily i wasn't blazing, yet. I had just got out of the shower when i here this knock. well it was my landlord (i was already dressed). My bong was sitting out which luckily i was able to hide. she was here to measure windows for new ones. as soon as she left, i started smoking. What sucks is my roommates don't know i smoke. They'd kick me or my weed out and i can't have that so i have to smoke out of my window. so as im blowing smoke out, which has to be super obvious haha oh well, she pulls up again with her dyke lesbo lady in the passenger seat. I think i saw both of them look up and notice my window was open and its 20 degrees out. So i started freaking out. What are the relationship laws between landlord and renter? I dont think this is a smoke free house; i we're aloud to if we choose. is it like doctor patient relationship?
  2. Oh thank god she left, finally. she never came up here of batted another eye, so i guess she never spotted me. still though, im curious as to the rules. can a landlord report you? or do they just ask you not to do that in their house?
  3. "Is it like doctor patient relationship?"

    No. Landlords can terminate your contract (give you 30 days notice to get the fuck out) if you breach that contract. If that means no smoking, then there's no smoking.

    They can also turn you in to the police whenever they want. You have no agreement of confidentiality.
  4. [quote name='nugs man']okay so today my landlord shows up and luckily i wasn't blazing, yet. I had just got out of the shower when i here this knock. well it was my landlord (i was already dressed). My bong was sitting out which luckily i was able to hide. she was here to measure windows for new ones. as soon as she left, i started smoking. What sucks is my roommates don't know i smoke. They'd kick me or my weed out and i can't have that so i have to smoke out of my window. so as im blowing smoke out, which has to be super obvious haha oh well, she pulls up again with her dyke lesbo lady in the passenger seat. I think i saw both of them look up and notice my window was open and its 20 degrees out. So i started freaking out. What are the relationship laws between landlord and renter? I dont think this is a smoke free house; i we're aloud to if we choose. is it like doctor patient relationship?[/QUOTE]


    Uh, no.

    Any more questions?
  5. couldn't u say it was just a cig or something and if she believes that, shouldn't it say in the lease if smokings allowed in the place
  6. Tell em you had a friend over who started to smoke without your consent, before you quickly told him/her to stop.
  7. if you're doing something illegal they don't need to give you a notice, they can throw all your shit in the street
  8. yeah. i got really paranoid but i think all is fine. i did think of the cig idea or a black and mild. so i have a number of reasons before it comes down to weed and getting in trouble. this sounds pretty immature, i know. my roommate is entirely against weed and is in the army so he's real conservative and follows laws. So because of this, i have to act around it but smoking out my window. thanks for all your help.
  9. Most landlords I've dealt with don't care what you do as long as you don't detroy the place and keep paying rent.

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