Im tired of people...

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by wackjob18, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. I'm tired of people. Day by day I get more and more annoyed by how stupid people are. Why are people so shallow? Does anyone ever realize how easy humans really do get manipulated. I find it so mindboggling that humans are the only creatures able to use common sense and logic but they don't seem to use it. So many people are so stupid about marijuana. So many people judge things too fast. I hate talking to all these idiots everyday saying marijuana is terrible. But then I discover they smoke cigs and drink. Wtf stupid are people. I hate all these stupid above the influence video's. Im tired of an ignorant and arrogant country full of idiots. Im only 18 and it seems like I have the wisdom of an 90 year old compared to most people living in this sad place called America. Seriously its so simple to see how marijuana is so much better then cigs and alcohol. Seriously honestly think about it
    1. No one has ever died from it ever. NONE
    2. There is no scientific proof that it kills brain cells, causes cancer, or creates pyschological problems. Those are possibilities not proofs.
    3. Its not addictive
    4. It lowers aggression makes you less violent

    1. Kills around 5.4 million people a year
    2. Theres is scientific proof that it creates cancer
    3. Its extremely addictive
    4. Its so dangerous it kills people who dont even smoke (second hand smoke)
    5. How is this shit not illegal?

    1. I believe around 100 thousand people a year
    2. Can cause liver disease and maybe other things (I dont know I dont rly study alcohol that much)
    3. Its addictive
    4. It can make you violent

    There are simple facts there you can find out in 5 minutes of research. But day by day I find idiots who dont know what there talking about. I hate it the most that even if you try to explain them this they know there losing the argument so they just say "Oh well your just like every other pothead". I hate shallow people who judge. Why do people do this? Why are people so shallow and judgementive? Why is Marijuana illegal if there are simple facts out there saying its okay. I personally believe it has to do with social acceptance. If anyone ever has anything to do with Marijuana there looked down upon in society. Thats why I believe everyone is so arrogant about it. They realize if they actually believe its okay then they will be socially unaccepted and thats not okay. That is why politicians are so against it and that is why people are so against it. Socially our culture does not accept it so no one is going to. I hate a world full of weak minded people who are sheep just following the sheep herder. I hate it im tired of this stupid bullshit.
  2. Well, It can become mentally addictive and that has been proven.

    But its not physically addictive and everything else you said is true.
  3. But anything can be mentally addictive. I mean anything! Eating can be mentally addictive, Sex can be mentally addictive. If anything is mentally addictive then why is that argument even brought up in the first place. Theres nothing significant about the addictiveness compared to anything in the world. If its physically addictive thats where it needs to be brought up.
  4. Totally with you dude.
    But all of this 'mass-ignorance' as it should be called, has been knowingly created over decades of anti-marijuana propaganda, and as you said, Humans do not use common sense (at least the vast majority don't). If they are educated in a way that blames all of societies ill's on a certain plant that (we know) brings nothing but overwealming 'GOOD', then they will believe it, and they will teach their children thus. So forth and so on.

    Everything in our society relies & exists on the idea of 'Profit', and it will continue to be illegal until Tobacco companies and the like figure out how to control the market.

    And lastly, as much as i agree with your post, i would like to go even further and state that the Government should not be given the power to tell us whether or not we are 'allowed' to inhale some plant that makes us feel good & think differently. REGARDLESS of the supposed health risks, its OUR life, and i'm no slave.
  5. +rep to you sir....
    im agree with you totally and it fuckin pisses me off too...
    and its not just pot but other thing as well....
    i like people less and less as i get older.
  6. The government shouldn't care about the perceived health ramifications. People are free to ingest what they wish, as long as this doesn't cause harm to other citizens. Tobacco is legal, terrible for your health, Alcohol is legal, which is terribly detrimental to your health. Nicotine is the most addictive substance out there. They shouldn't care about how bad Marijuana is for you, even though it isn't.

  7. Chocolate is about as addictive as Cannabis, mentally speaking, from what I have seen.

    A person can get mentally addicted to Oprah, for Christ's sake. Or to Crossword Puzzles...or Grasscity Forums...

    The drug or activity itself isn't "Mentally Addictive".

    Rather, the person becomes Mentally Dependent...and that can be overcome quite easily, in any case, with the right mental attitude.

    I have done every drug except Heroin in my years, and I have never had as hard a time quitting anything until cigarettes...and in the end, it turns out even those are mostly Mentally Addictive. The physical with drawls from tobacco is like being hungry for lunch, and can last about 3-5 days.

    Cannabis is nothing like that...and I have stopped doing any Cannabis at all with absolutely no with drawls at all, and I have done that twice in my life. It could be that I am just really lucky, but there are many like me, I am thinking...

    Marijuana can cause Mental Dependence, I suppose, but then again...but it's all in your head!

  8. Weed helps me to deal with people a lot more. I'm not so 'on edge' all the time if I blaze that day.

    Sometimes people can just be so fucking stupid. It's frustrating.
  9. Woah man! LOL. Cigs don't kill 5.4 million people LOL. It's more like 440,000, and tobacco kills about 80,000. I understand what you're saying though. Maybe this makes you realize that no government out there gives a shit about people. It's all money. It's the answer to every question out there.

    Most people who don't smoke marijauna aren't as open minded and tolerant as we are. It's that simple.
  10. well...It can be mentally addictive but it's...addictiveness? decreases greatly after you hit 18-21


    money rules the world...
  11. The more I get to know people

    the more I like my dog

    5.4 million
  13. And I'm tired of people who make threads about how harmless weed is every day.
  14. Couldn't have said it better myself. The amount of downright stupidly ignorant people out there is beyond imagination.

    It's not about facts, its about perspective (which for your average person, leads to anti-weed government propaganda "facts").

    It's the same for everything, not just weed. People aren't ignorant about weed any more than they are about the capital of (insert random country here). They choose to be ignorant because seeking facts on (insert issue here) doesn't seem to be a good use of their time.

    Thus, we have draconian drug laws.
  15. I completely agree. Every day i read these threads and they all have the same information in them. They just put it in different order with different words in between. Thanks OP for reiterating what 1000s of others before you have said...:rolleyes:
  16. The very sad thing is that this plant can save the people who hate it, and that is a tragedy.
  17. I'm not saying that weed is harmless I'm just saying its way less harmful compared to things that are legal. And if you don't like my thread you don't have to read it.

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