I'm Thinking My Vape maybe the only safe thing

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by silvertoker, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. #1 silvertoker, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    I posted how my buddy blows glass and he thought it wasnt safe to use colored glass and I said bullshit. Does anyone know the affects of the metal oxides used to make the colors in glass pipes. Also looking for info on stainless and titanium pipes. I found some info on the web on glass ingredients. I didnt know that some of the stuff in optical glasses was radioactive so think about it.
    soda and lime, most common glass has other ingredients added to change its properties. Lead glass, such as lead crystal or flint glass, is more 'brilliant' because the increased refractive index causes noticeably more "sparkles", while boron may be added to change the thermal and electrical properties, as in Pyrex. Adding barium also increases the refractive index. Thorium oxide gives glass a high refractive index and low dispersion, and was formerly used in producing high-quality lenses, but due to its radioactivity has been replaced by lanthanum oxide in modern eye glasses. Large amounts of iron are used in glass that absorbs infrared energy, such as heat absorbing filters for movie projectors, while cerium(IV) oxide can be used for glass that absorbs UV wavelengths (biologically damaging ionizing radiation).
    Two other common glass ingredients are calumite (an iron industry by-product) and "cullet" (recycled glass). The recycled glass saves on raw materials and energy. However, impurities in the cullet can lead to product and equipment failure.
    Finally, fining agents such as sodium sulfate, sodium chloride, or antimony oxide are added to reduce the bubble content in the glass.[8] Glass batch calculation is the method by which the correct raw material mixture is determined to achieve the desired glass composition.
  2. Vaping IS the safest way to deliver THC to our lungs.

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