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I'm such an O.G Smoker that...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Guadalope, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. #1 Guadalope, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    I've quit smoking Pot, and I still am finding stems in my pockets and shit...

    The other day I was out some where and the jeans I had on, I was diggin through my pockets and had like 3 stems in there.... No idea how they got there, why they got there... I havn't smoked in like 50 days...

    Fuckin been riding dirty and shit without even knowing it... LAME

    Edit: IDK why this is in Apprentice Smokers, motha fucka's IMMA O.G! FUCK YALL, lol jk, but forreal don't know why they moved it.
  2. It's a sign to start smoking again.

    Welcome back.
  3. LOL, NEVER! naw, just not yet.
  4. haha maybe ur unknowingly getting high:eek:

    like u just blackout get high and go back to normal

  5. nahh man he's just the pope
  6. may i ask why you quit?
  7. prepare for crumbs on the floor mocking you
  8. Nobody likes a quitter.
  9. wash your pants :cool: lol
  10. I quit because I was using Pot as an escape from reality, and not facing life head on. I was depressed, and easier for me to get high, than to deal with shit. So I quit.
  11. That's what I was thinking..
  12. i once found a clip in my pocket in the middle of the streets walking, needless to say i smoked it.

  13. I respect people like you that choose to quit because they realize they use the herb for the wrong reasons. Once all is well again, use the herb responsibly and use it to enhance life rather than escape it!
  14. #14 Guadalope, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Exactamundo mi amgio.

    I plan on getting my shit situated you know? I was getting High as fuck because I didn't wanna grow up, and now I'm striving to grow up, I wanna be a Man, A father, able to support a family, be a King to my Queen, when ever I find her or she finds me. I'm looking Legit JOB, good pay, I got clean piss, so I can pass piss tests. I need to find an apartment, my Mom is going to help me pay for rent and shit until I'm on my own feet.

    I personally wanna grow bud, make my own strain, in the safety of my home. No longer riding dirty any where, etc.. That part of my life is over. Personally I don't know If I'll smoke/grow bud until it's legal... Or I could get MMJ. I just feel my freedom is too important vs getting high. I love smoking weed, I love the taste, the aroma, the act of inhaling/exhaling, the excitement of new weed, etc, but I've grown up, and am past that. (If I had a house, I'd grow my own bud, but not at an apartment)

    Right now I'm going to school (community college), taking four classes, striving towards a 3.5+ to 4.0 GPA. Taking classes I failed, so I can get rid of the F's and get them replaced with A's. I failed class because I was afraid of bettering my self, I was a self-saboteur.

    I want to be Counselor/Possibly Therapist or some shit, which ever helps people the most. I want to stop kids from making the same mistakes as me, you know? I've fucked up a lot in my Life, and learned a lot from it, my family members have fucked up a lot etc, I've learned A LOT in Life so far, and will only experience and learn more. I'm young as fuck, and got the Wisdom of an Old Sage... I feel like helping people develop a sense of Self, will be so rewarding. Teaching people and guiding them towards Greatness instead of walking the same path as me. The path I walked sucks, and I'm still kind of on it.. I'm just gonna be at a crossroads later this year, and will chose the right path this time, and not the wrong one, as I've been doing out of fear of becoming a Man/Changing my Self.

    Since I've stopped smoking I've noticed a Huge change in my Self. I'm really fucking Happy, even though my Life has a lot of fucked up shit going on. I'm happy I'm bettering my Self for the first time in my Life... It feels good as fuck. I'm still a bit depressed, but shit I feel like I might always be.. Life is a bit depressing, you know?
  15. They were washed, the stem was like wrapped into the pocket, like lint.
  16. thats good man i am the exact opposite once i started smoking i realised my life is worth it had kinda a real shitty childhood ya know before i would spend money on random shit i did not need now all i do is take 200 out for weed and stuff and the other is going to a fund to rent an apartment and move out get a car first i got to get my licence never wanted to do that when i was sober lol i hated life without weed

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