i'm so lucky. wow.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by infrared, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. #1 infrared, Jan 8, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2010
    background info: I live in BC and i'm living in residence for one of the main universities. the RA's are ok with weed, as long as they can't smell it in the halls. I use a vape most of the time but disconnected the smoke detector in my room just in case.

    it was a normal day, hitting the vape before i ate lunch. i got a little bit too high and was careless, and didn't put away my bong, vape, or weed before i left. the bong was on the middle of the desk and my vape and weed were a bit out of sight, but still visible.

    when i came out of the stairwell to my hallway, i saw a maintenance worker exit my room. i was pretty stoned so i didn't think much of it, but when i came closer he said "so, the smoke detector was turned off," and left.

    i go in and see all my shit out and realized what an idiot i was and freaked the fuck out!!! anyways, that was 3 days ago and there's been no word yet. my friend had a maintenance worker come in and write him up for the smoke detector, and was told right away. i'm thinking this worker was a chill guy, and thought he may have taken some of my bud for compensation...but my bag didn't seem any lighter so who knows.

    i always hide my shit now, i don't want to risk being kicked out/arrested.

    just wanted to let GC know:wave:
  2. dude dont be disconnecting the detector, at least in the states and in my old dorm you can be legally fucked for messing with the fire equipment. cause then it supposedly puts you and everyone else at risk.

    try taking a garbage bag and taping it up around the detector, not tight up against it, but so it has clean air
  3. man you live not far from me :D and BC BUD IS DELICOUS we dont have to pay extra for dank its always 10 a gram (i hope you get the same lol)
  4. I want to transfer to UBC, you said the RA's are pretty chill about weed? Is the school in general weed-friendly?
  5. messing with the smoke detectors isn't allowed but they are obviously pretty relaxed about it. my friend didn't even get a fine. the worker reconnected it so i'll leave it like it is.

    BC pride my friend! you know i'd never pay more than $10 a g haha.

    well it depends on the RA, but i'm sure a few of them are chill. as long as your room doesn't smell like weed then you're good to go. i reccommend smoking outside, though. the school is weed friendly, as in not too strict - tons of people smoke and security is lax for the most part.
  6. ahh, word
  7. at my school the smoke detectors are directly linked to a main system where they can monitor a lot of things involving the detector. My roomates room has had maintance people in it twice because the detector was telling them it needed to be cleaned. They can tell if we disconnect them or mess with them and they will come knocking. The best thing to do is take some saran wrap and wrap that baby up. Several people in the dorms around me have done this and they can pretty much box their room without any worries.

    Id do it but we dont ever have a sesh big enough that we need to worry about the alarm...that and we have burned food on several occasions and made out dorm pretty smokey but with 2 well aimed fans the smoke never makes it

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