I'm so high that

Discussion in 'General' started by tokabowl, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. i can feel my eyes getting lower and higher after each vape hit
  2. Does it take longer for vapes hits to take effect? How much different is a vape high?

    Im gonig to be buying a vape soon and im just curious!

  3. Vapes fuck you up and it is much better for your lungs. I would say onset is about the same time, but the come up is pretty much instant.
  4. Yee thats why im getting a vape. Ive heard the high is "different", more similar to edibles? Is this true?
  5. i use a vapegenie so the hits are monstrous and get u instantly blazed after each hit.
    like i would literally feel a complete difference when i would exhale after each hit. I smoked 1 bowl, got about 10-12 hits and im blaaaaaazed
  6. ^^ hhaha truth.
    If someone says 'vaping takes awhile to take effect'
    they just haven't hit a vape hard yet. :D
  7. And I m on the Mount everest so I m much higher than you..

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