Discussion in 'General' started by Highest, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. #1 Highest, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    Okay well.. I just smoked like a G of jackhair and not only am I floating in space right now but I'm like realizing things about myself and my life, it's crazy what the hell should I do??

    thanks in advance for the help

    also I just realized I have this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_affective_disorder
  2. What do you mean what should you do? Are the things you're realizing causing you stress?

    It's a learning experience. If you're being shown things about yourself that you don't like then fix it.
  3. Embrace the realizations. They can make you a better person, sometimes. Don't be afraid.
  4. Float away with your thoughts... then raid the fridge :D
  5. whenever im that high, i sit in the dark and think. sometimes i think with music
  6. You have to be very very careful here...but if you can type, you can do this...

    1. close your eyes
    2. take a deep breath
    3. open eyes
    4. concentrate hard and think of where the Twinkies are...:smoking:
  7. Fuck me, not even a damn smidgen of dark yet?
  8. go play hide and seek. under your covers.
  9. Just relax and let your thoughts flow. You're in a mindset not many people will ever reach. Self realization is a powerful, awesome thing. And like someone said (props!), if you're realizing things you don't like about yourself, don't worry... just change them!

    P.s. I also have S.A.D.
  10. you're right! holy shit thank you tomshark!
  11. Jackhair huh? ;)

  12. this^

    fuck it

    learn all you can from it......

    btw...when i lived in alaska and it was pretty much dark for 6 months at a time....it didnt really bother me at all-fucked with my sleeping patterns but thats it....
    there were people it fucked with pretty hard tho...some of them would get tanning lamps or even grow lights and sit under them in there house.....

    i just slept more in the dark months and hardly at all in the light months.....

    it would change almost over night too...like one day it was dark all fucking day then all of a sudden it was 3 am and bright as noon....and i was more awake right that min then i had been in months....

    and then would only sleep maybe 2-3 hrs a night if that durring the light months.....

    it really is alot like only haveing 2 days a year

    you will be fine
  13. relax, i've been there before.. it's brilliant.. realize things about you, you never would have thought sober, learn from them and appreciate how you are even realizing them (all because of our good friend Mr.Ganja).

    And watch this:

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQuqeLBTetA]YouTube - Pogo - Alice[/ame]


    Enjoy the thoughts.
  14. Thank you so much guys really.. and but what if some of them aren't good thoughts?

  15. it is only ever what you make of it......

    thinking of something negative can be very good...all depends what you do with it...

    do you let it(the negative thought) run the show?
    or do you see it for what it is and use that to find a way to turn it around?
  16. #17 Highest, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010
    good point the danguses. and thank you so much for introducing me to Pogo, Quarter Ounce!!
  17. So, you never had deep introspective thoughts without the use of marijuana? :confused:

  18. First off, it's Jack Herer, and second, just ride out the high. Don't panic, think calming thoughts, and play some soothing music. I had a couple highs like this when I was a newbie.

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