I'm so fucking cool.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Ouroboros, Apr 17, 2010.

  1. this world is mine

    I'm watchin' breakfast at Tiffany's and writing stories about imaginary video games. YEAH
  2. Fixed. ;)

    It's not you and the world to be in or out of your possession. It's literally all you.

    Saying the world is yours is like saying your foot is yours... as if there is anyone else for it to belong to.
  3. Man, I'm fucking cooler. I'm so cool, I overheat and my brain starts spilling pictures and mushrooms and worms out and all down my face. I'm so fucken cool that I like to chill in the freezer, with the ice creams and fish fingers and other delicious frozen foods. I'm so goddam mothafuckin cool that when I walk down the street, people often just stop and say "Fuck, that guy's as cool as ice baby YEAH!"

    True story bro.
  4. [​IMG]

    This world is mine!

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