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I'm Sketch?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by guyverman, May 30, 2009.

  1. Ok so I just got my scale and 2 packs of organic RAWs in the mail today and decided for a pickup. So I smoke some res outta my bubbler right b4 the pickup. The dude was suppose to meet me at a clubhouse(I live in retirement village...) about 200ft from my house.

    So I have no cell phone(shut off) and he is taking forever and I'm wearin a hoody and some loc glasses:cool: waiting for like 45 min. So then the next 3 hours I waited and then went back to my house like 5 times callin him within these 3 hours, he didnt answer the first time, picked up the second saying hes on his way, didnt pickup the 3rd, then he says he can't do it the last time.:mad:

    So heres where it gets weird, the whole time I'm waiting there are a line of houses with the backs facing the clubhouse I'm waitin at and A GROUP OF PEOPLE BURNIN WITH THEIR SHADES WIDE FUCKING OPEN!!!!! I had to pass between theirs and another house to get to mine. Every time I passed I didnt pay em any attention as I just figured I'd let em do their own thing and I didnt feel like being social tonight anyways.

    So after the second pass when I was coming back from the good news(at the time) they notice me walking back and forth and they are out on their screened porch now and a guy says " Hey man your actin sketch wats up? What are you doin?" I said "nothin just waiting for someone" he asked me who and I said a friend and he says "you really seem sketch man", now at this time I figured: what the fuck, I'll atleast see if he wants to match me for some cash, so I say "yo it's cool man, I'm high and a little paranoid too". He gives me a blank stare and just tells me to chill with passing by his house.:confused:

    The next hour, hour and a half they send a girl out to sit and I guess watch me while I'm waiting.....I got dam paranoid thinkin she was calling the cops or they were plannin something. In the end nothing came of this colossal cluster-fuck of a pickup and I decided to share this odd and upsetting experience with some fellow blades. Hope it confuses you as much as it did me! :wave:
  2. Why are you getting papers through the mail instead of the store?

    It seems shady to people that are getting high to see someone continuously walking by their place.

    You need a new hookup, this dude is bullshitting you. If he is not bullshitting you, then he is just a shitty hookup. Still, time to find a new one.
  3. 1. Everything is cheaper online

    2. There were 3 guys, 2 girls and 1 of me, why were they so afraid?

    3. I concur....
  4. You could have been a cop from their pov, you could have been in a gang. I don't know what you look like or what kinda area you are in, but if you are smoking outside and some one is walking around in sunglasses and a hoody I wouldn't be comfortable.

    Not saying you are a bad guy, just look at it from their side.
  5. I'm 18 but in no way do I look it even with a full beard, I look the exact opposite of a cop. Even after I talked to em they kept burnin in there living room with there blinds fucking open while I was standing at the clubhouse LOOKING AT THEM LOOKING AT ME WHILE THEY DID IT!

    EDIT: and no, I really doubt they got the idea I was some gangster, like I said, I live in a god dam retirement village, the only fast crimes there happen at the speed of life.
  6. they probbly just getting sketched out seeing someone cut through there yard so much, i would be bugging to if i seen people on my property more than once
  7. You said you were wearing a hoody and sunglasses. I'd say that's pretty sketch, wasn't the Unibomber wearing something similar?
  8. LOL yes Kaczynski had style..........
  9. dude if i was doing anything like that i would end up getting shot cause stoners in my vicinity are not exactly the most friendly people while high and dont like cops or rival gang members who look like they scoping things out and people who look like it or outta luck. Whatever you do get things from a store where it quick and painless and you less likely to get jumped
  10. I got sketched out just reading this thread. Especially this part:

    Seriously... I can see you guys both looking at each other sketching out like crazy. The best comparison I would make is that Simpsons episode where Homer and Mr. Burns get trapped inside the cabin... and they both go crazy and are staring at each other from across the room both thinking the other person is planning on doing something to them.
  11. thats pretty sketchy not gonna lie if some one was in front of my house while i was burning in a unibomber outfit for 45 minutes and watching me id be sketched
  12. It was 3 hours with the back of their house facing me and I had my back turned towards em only looking back at them to see them staring at me, I was starin at the road most of the time.
  13. so then maybe they were probably high and paranoid u were gonna bust em lol
  14. Sketch bro...sketch...
  15. Ha, sounds like one hell of a mess. Should have just picked a new spot to chill and wait at or turned your cell on. Would have made it all a little less awkward.

    On another note, how come you didn't holla at the girl they sent out? Haha, might of made a new fuck buddy.
  16. the ppl were just trippin cuz u were pacing in front of houses anxious to get something. i would think thats a lil sketchy 2. they dont know what ur up 2, who u are n shit like that. they were just curious i guess.
  17. I see why they thought it was sketch, but you're sketching about it too.

    Seriously, stoners call the cops cause you're watching em blaze?

    When he was a bitch you shoulda been like "You kids better stop smoking that fuckin grass or im calling the cops".

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