i cant believe its happened to me......ive been smoking weed since i was fourteen (im 20 now) ive been abusing perscription drugs from benzos to oxy and dilaudid to adderall for about 5 years. Just recently i tore my acl and my miniscus in my right knee. i was perscribed 7.5 mg hydrocodone for the pain. i noticed upon filling the perscription and beginning to medicate my pain thatr 1 pill was rarely enough to cover the jolts of pain and the steady throbbing in my knee. so 1 turned to 2. a week goes bye and i start purchasing percocets and oxycodone and ms sulfate sporadically to help manage the pain. a few more weeks go by and im nearing the end of my recovery and i pick up my last perscription printed with bold letters NO MORE REFILLS. i never knew how those words would affect me. I finished out my perscription yesterday and this morning i wake up and purge with the worst head and body aches ive ever had just fiendin for some hydro or some dilaudid or some whatfuckingever. anyways long story short im withdrawing from opiates like i never imagined was possible. my heart goes out to all who are also suffering. its not much but i had to put it somewhwere. im peacin out im gunnu try to find some percs and some bud aND go to bed.
What did you expect to happen after abusing opiates for 5 years? Really man, you brought it on yourself. But I know how painful withdrawals are, so feel better.
Yes, and? Are doctors supposed to prescribe super-strong opiates to people with sky-high tolerances, when that tolerance is self-inflicted? He should have been straight with the doctor and just said "these hydros won't work for me, I abuse opiates." He wouldn't have gotten in trouble, and he quite possibly would've gotten something stronger and something for withdrawals. This is a lesson in drug responsibility.
are you serious??? sorry lukas i dont know you in real life and i try not to judge but 99% of the shit you say on here pisses me off. if he had told the doc he abused ope's his doc woulda shit a brick and given him like 15 vicodin with no refill IF THAT. have you ever felt an opiate withdrawl? have you ever had an opiate addiction? because some of us are speaking from experience and i can tell you 100% sure that you are not experienced in this.
also, proof that you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about: he got scripted 7.5mg hydrocodone. vicodin. since when is that a "super strong opiate"??
Uh, you're wrong. Lucas was very correct. Doctors will try to help you get off opiates by giving you suboxone or some other drug that will help with withdrawals. Doctors are supposed to help you, not judge you for your addiction. Buddy, his post just flew right by you. He was saying that IF he had told the doctor that he abused opiates and would need something stronger to help the pain, the doctor would have helped him and given him something stronger temporarily for the real pain, and also scripted him for a drug that would help with the withdrawals. Lucas never said he RECEIVED strong opiates, but that he WOULD'VE RECEIVED them if he told them he had a high tolerance to opiates due to his tolerance from addiction. It's funny how you say that he's not experienced with opiate addiction, but you obviously aren't experienced with doctors treating opiate addiction. Lucas probably didn't answer you because he didn't want to have to explain so much to you, because you are very incorrect. Or, as you like to say, "You don't know what the fuck you're talking about".
Why? Everyone knows your wrong. Im sure he's not going to waste his time arguing with some kid over whos fault it is that the OP abused opiates.
dude all i want him to answer is whether or not he knows what an opiate addiction or withdrawl is like. if he did he wouldnt have been so harsh with the op who is seriously suffering right now. and fuck you guys i was just mad fucked up earlier and sucked at reading.
No, you attacked him and his post using false, bullshit information. Then you played the "everyone else knows that *insert bullshit here* is true, and you wouldn't know since you've never gone through it" card. You're ignorant. By the way, don't admit your wrong, just say "fuck you guys" and make an excuse about using drugs and being more stupid than normal while on them. You're so blatantly wrong I'm not surprised Lucas didn't take the time to deal with your shit. I don't even know why I'm dealing with your shit. I should've just left you to sit in your ignorance and then let lots of other people make fun of you when they come in and read such a stupid statement. No matter how fucked up on drugs you are, it's not going to affect your ability to understand common concepts like drugs for opiate withdrawals and doctors trying to help you stop addiction successfully. You just didn't know.
what part of what i said was false or bullshit? and you think you know more about prescription meds than me? my mom is a fuckin m.d. and i have had scripts (not from her, from my surgeon) for opiates. it just frustrates me when everyone is so harsh on ppl who are suffering. even if it is their fault...
You need to learn how to read! Damn. I said, and I quote: "He should have been straight with the doctor and just said "these hydros won't work for me, I abuse opiates." He wouldn't have gotten in trouble, and he quite possibly would've gotten something stronger and something for withdrawals." So please, man of too many fucking words, point out to me where I said hydrocodone is a super-strong opiate, or admit to being an idiot who can't read.
Everything I say on here, besides my opinions, can be substantiated. I know what I'm talking about, because I research drugs FOR A LIVING. Sorry if that offends you. And yes, I know what opiate withdrawals are like. I just stopped my opium use COMPLETELY a little over a month ago. Yes, it was hell, but I had already know what hell it was going to be, and I continued to use. When the withdrawals hit I accepted it as MY FAULT. Now fuck off.
What you said right here below, I even quoted it for you. Since you can't read enough to see that you were wrong. LOL. If he had told the doc he abused opiates and would need something stronger, the doctor would have given him stronger opiates temporarily to ward off the pain until it was gone, then started him on a detox medication to help him quit abusing them and ease the withdrawals. What you said is complete bullshit, there is no excuse, you're just wrong. So funny. Obviously so, you didn't understand the concept of doctor's helping people addicted to opiates by giving them stronger medicine for a short period of time until the pain is gone, then giving them a medication to help withdrawals. Based off how you presented yourself, you know very little to nothing about this subject. Cool story bro. Despite your mom being an M.D., you didn't understand the concept. So, no matter how many doctors are in your family, you still obviously didn't understand it. Cool. That doesn't make up for your ignorance to the topic at hand at calling out Lucas. You should just leave, you're not going to beat me in an argument at this, you failed epically earlier, and that's that. Nothing will make up for your earlier stupidity and calling out of Lucas, you were still an asshole and still completely wrong and oblivious to it.
I didn't answer him because I was getting down with my wife But I love how he says that 99% of the info I post on here is bullshit. Guess what buddy, my rep came from people passing out +reps for my knowledge, not my pretty face. People know me as the ayahuasca guy in the box. I know my shit. It's pretty damn evident that you don't.
SKS, you misjudge my "harshness." I wasn't being harsh, I was being real. The fact of all this is, that if you're an informed drug user (which we should all be) and you decide to go down the path of abusing opiates, or abusing meth, or abusing cocaine, or abusing benzos, or abusing ANYTHING mentally pleasing in this world, you should likewise be both mentally, and physically prepared for the outcome of that addiction. Yes, opiate withdrawals blow. However, given the concept of patient-doctor confidentiality (which everybody knows about, unless they've been living under a rock) this guy could have alleviated his suffering quite a bit by being honest with the doctor. If he really abused opiates for 5 years I'm DAMN sure he knew that some 7.5 hydros weren't going to do shit for him pain wise, nor addiction wise. Doctors are there for a reason. Use them. A little bit of thinking and foreknowledge is all it takes. It's not like the doctor can call the cops. He would've gotten something for withdrawals and probably have been blissfully pain free while he's recovering. Now he's dealing with the consequences of his addiction. Something all addicts have to do during their lifetime. I'm not going to coddle anybody; I tell it like it is. and if you don't like seeing that, go ahead and put me on your ignore list so you don't ever have to read another of my posts again, especially since 99% of what I say is bullshit, according to you.
Haha it sucks I work in a mental health facility, doing patient intake/outtake, dispensing meds, and running clinical trials. My official title is "research assistant" lol