im pretty fucked up lol

Discussion in 'General' started by Nathan, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I smoked 2 bowls of dank and I took 3 hots of vokda too. So, I sit hear, drinking gaterade and listening to bob marley lol.
  2. werd up +rep if ur baked
  3. Gatorade is the drink to drink.
  4. too good to post in my thread, I see how it is
  5. im crossfaded not drunk so yeah
  6. #6 Misc, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    altered myself

    ate cookies

  7. I agree I'm very very high like at the point where you smoke but don't get any higher..
  8. #8 IwasA.Smurf, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    lol so am I :wave: to the third power pretty sure its a reiteration. its all good brah

    like in physics lord forbid you call weight and mass the same thing
  9. lightweight!!1
  10. ^^ nah i think you are misunderstood im fucked up from the weed the vodka just adds to it a little but i feel the high more than drunk
  11. LOL at the guy trying to slander somebody for not having a tolerance to a deadly, potent neurotoxin. I get buzzed off of one beer, 3 to 4 is my limit. I don't drink at all though, that was from awhile ago, I'm sure I'm worse now

    Anyways, I was feelin crazy last night, I can't say what I had though.

    Next Saturday will be even better, thank god for molecules!!! Stay scientific yall
  12. haha im just kidding 3 back to back shots and 2 bowls of some good herb would have me feeling pretty nice
  13. I'd be legit fucked up.
  14. im also about to eat some fungus :hippie:
  15. Taking about 10 shots of vodka then getting mad high just makes you laugh at a bare wall
  16. LOL for a second I thought you were the OP, I was gonna say, why would you ruin such a great experience by bombarding your GABA receptors and dulling the overall function of your brain,

    friendly vision!
  17. Haha, who is that directed at lol. I may just be stoned, but I have a hard time following this. :smoke:
  18. The guy on the last page who is havin fun, guys
  19. I wish I had weed and some drinks...:(

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