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I'm not really getting high...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Fijj, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. Damn it.. maybe its cause i didn't smoke dank enough but seriously i feel totally normal after 3 bowls.

    But of course i make shit bowls... is there any way of making a longer lasting bowl with household materials, i usually just use a pen and tin foil? I got no money to accually drive to a headshop and buy one...
  2. if you buy bud u got money to buy a peice..get a glass pipe for 10 15 $ or just save up for a nice bong
  3. maybe you need a t-break?
  4. Stop swallowing and inhale. Eventually you will feel it. :smoking:
  5. Stop smoking out of pens, the plastic they are made of releases toxic vapor at low heat. When you inhale make sure you take an extra breath of air after the smoke is already in your lungs/mouth to push it down further. Try taking a week off of smoking, also known as a tolerance break.
  6. I don't understand how people fuck up breathing. It's pretty much one of the most instinctual things that you can do, but people fuck up the process when it's smoke. I had a friend who fucked up inhaling time after time, eventually I just stopped letting him smoke until he learned how to breathe.
  7. There are loads of better homemade smoking devices then a pen and aluminum foil [yuck].
    Google "homemade bong" or "homemade gravity bong" or "homemade apple pipe"

    Try taking a t-break.
    Although if you aren't feeling anything after 3 bowls I am thinking you aren't actually inhaling the smoke or something ahah.
    You can't just suck on the pipe, you gotta actually *breathe* that smoke in....:p

    So start off by ditching the nasty pipe and build yourself a nice gravity bong or normal bong by following one of the many online tutorials.
    If are confident that you are, in fact, inhaling the smoke, then I would either buy some better weed or take a tolerance break.
  8. Get a glass bong, at least 8 inches tall.

    I promise you, you won't have trouble getting high. Breath in through your mouth long and gentle, filling your lungs like you're breathing in beautiful clean mountain air.

    Hold it in until you start coughing uncontrollably. You'll then know you are inhaling correctly.

    Hope this helps.
  9. Bongs get me so high i know.. But there expensive, maybe if i get a cook job at a taco bell or something i'd buy a bong first freaken paycheck.

    Weed i score for like really good deals, i got a good amount of connections.
    weed is cool
  10. word son haha idk how they fuck it up they try to hard cuz they think there's some secret behind it or some kinda trick..
  11. Do you have an apple? Look around on youtube for instructions on making an apple pipe.

    It's not toxic, for one, and all you need is an apple and a chopstick.

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