Hey GC, I know I just bought some SG glass, but I went to the headshop today and saw something I couldn't live without. It's a 14 inch Rasta Label straight tube TORO Mini. Got it for a steal! It has an 18.8mm GonG Joint, and even came with a D-Cut Diffuser. The joint on this thing is HUGE. The thickets I've seen. This little guy RIPS... And it's soooo heavy for a 14inch bong. I took a picture of the base of it too, so you all could see how much TORO cares about quality. The base is ridiculously thick. Anyways, enough of me talking, you wana see the pictures! Enjoy.
Awesome! Another one to the collection, eh? I really like it, looks dope, and it looks super thick down there, holy crap.
im lovin it man...it looks like a GREAT daily smoker...decent size nice and thick.....throw one of your dank a/c's on it and i bet itll hit sooooooo nicely