Im more accurate then the weather guy.

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by untamedlion33, May 7, 2012.

  1. I did a test over the past couple months. I wrote down the wether guys next day forecast as well as mine. Then wrote down what actually happened. I have a 95% accuracy over the weather guys 30%. I think u kids can doit it to. Watch the birds and butterfly's. Smell the air. If its gonna rain there's a certain smell if it's gonna snow there's that crisp smell. If its hot you'll feel it. Butterfly's hide if it's gonna rain writhing 2 hours. Birds hide if it's gonna rain the next day. Try it out.
  2. Tu eres un libro
  3. I've got a knee that's damn near 100% on rain predictions...
  4. thats a really cool connection you got, brother :)
  5. Pretty cool isn't it. We have the very same instincts as the animals around us regarding this, we just tend to ignore it on a usual basis.

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