I'm losing a potential relationship, and it's not my fault...

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by DankNugsBrah, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. Hey GC, recently I've met an awesome chick, but I am unable to give her the time she deserves. I've been under strict rules in order to stay in my house, consisting of not hanging out with anyone until I can secure a second job. Problem is, I'm looking DESPERATELY hard for a job and I'm unable to procure anything. I'm really just looking for a way to hold onto this relationship, by any means neccesary (exluding losing my residence). Can you guys give me any advice as to how to prolong this relationship until I can provide a second job and a way to relieve this "probation"?
  2. Is it your parents who have you on 'probation' aka grounding? If so, you're just going to have to live with it man. Work by their rules. Get that job and start saving up little by little to move out. If that's taking like 5% of your paychecks into a different account, then do it.

    Basically tough through it dude. You're still in the beginning stages of life. There is so much time in front of you.
  3. Have her come to your house?:hello:
  4. Explain to her the situation and hopefully she will understand? And be sneaky, the most beautiful things in this world are worth the most risk
  5. Your parents are forcing you to get a second job?

    Fuck them, sneak out and have fun with this girl.
  6. well you gotta talk to her, explain the situation and tell her you really dig her
  7. Yeah from a chick's perspective just tell her what's happening. If she is quality she'll understand and try to work around it with you. Plus it'll probably score you points if you're just upfront and honest with her. I'm sure it'll be cool, it sounds like you can't really help where the situations going so try to work with it
  8. ^^ yeah.
    Just keep communicating with her until you aren't grounded.

    Btw man that sounds shitty. One job should be enough for your spending (and your parent's desire) unless you guys are facing foreclosure or something...

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