Well, Still around, taking a T-break, just because, yet once again.... Well, as i was walking the dog, i passed this sign, sometime last year, and took a picture of it, but because i was shot, forgot all about the picture.. It was on a small memory card that i took out of the camera.. and i just found that memory card.. So here is the picture. a few friends thought it would be funny..... The sign is still there, 1.5 years later. I looked a the pic, it was from 10-8-08... no one notices it, because i live where there are 8 people on my 2 mile road....
They(police) are pretty easy going around here, with the local guys. If thats the worse thing we do, they do not care at all... haha you think? A couple bowls of grade a chronic will do it....
I think he means cooked, stoned, high. Never heard shot before so I assumed someone filled you full of holes