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I'm like, idk help me, im high like a paromadic.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Iceman420, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Ok, so i dont smoke much actually, like once every 2 months i suppose? And I just smoked a joint thats rolled in raw paper. Pretty nice joint. Anyways, i feel llike im paranoid but at the same time happiness kicks in. Like from my right elbow. What do i do? how do i calm down?!!?! Beatles maybe?
  2. Just enjoy yourself, cause you sure as fuck don't have anything else to do. :smoke:
  3. Hahahaha dude first of all get something to fucking drink you don't want cotton mouth. Turn on your favorite music or play a video game or something just enjoy it. You probably smoked too much, learn how much is enough lol. You'll be alright just don't think about anything that will get you paranoid just chill you'll be fine.
  4. Laying down usually helps me, and just telling yourself that nothing bad will happen and it will end soon- just try to calm yourself down. It will end, but it isn't fun for the time being.

    Sometimes music can worsten the paranoia, it does for me when I do have a bad toke.
    But you can try it if it helps to calm you.
  5. so what happened, i came home and smoke a joint outside, i was smoking and doing french inhales. layed down. Anyways i start going upstairs for a shower, and I SWEAR. i keep hallucinating sounds. Like i got into the bathroom and heard children laugh. like multiple children. Woah, i tihnk im tripping on weed
  6. what the fuck is a parodamic?
  7. Just ride it out, man.
  8. lmao " Beatles maybe" its all in your head just chill
  9. high fives always make me feel better and always calm me down

  10. Yeah I always get audio hallucinations when I'm too high, weed is a hallucinogen lol. Just ignore it, I often hear my parents talking about how I'm high etc. even when they aren't there it's one of the more annoying things to get over.

  11. Weed doesn't make you trip.

    It's pretty obvious what is happening; there are multiple children in your house (possibly your bathroom?) and they are playing an elaborate prank on "that stoner kid".

    Just call 'olly olly oxen-free!', or something to that effect, and they'll all come running!
  12. This man is exactly right...
  13. Placebo...
  14. eww, u mean like noatbook paper?
  15. its suppose to replace blunt wraps by late 2012, you didn't know? where you been man living under a rock? :smoke:

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