I'm leaning towards buying an UTILLIAN 722 flower vaporizer

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by thereeferist420, Nov 6, 2023.

  1. I'm strongly considering buying an UTILLIAN 722 in a few weeks. All that I am really looking for is a dry herb vaporizer that will give me nice vapor clouds for under $200. Should I buy it?
  2. If you need it to be portable, look around for a deal on a mighty or crafty.

    If you just want the best performance and don't mind if it's a desktop unit, look into ball vapes. Some of the older box vapes such as the vaporbrothers, ditanium, and silver surfer can be modified with corundum balls as well, which can be a good option if you find a good deal on a used one.
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  3. So IOW the UTILLIAN 722 isn't worth my time. Where I will be for the next several months I need to be able to pack my shit up quickly to keep from battles with my in-laws.
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  4. The vaporbrothers packs down into a small tackle box pretty easily in about a minute or two with practice, mine has worked well for the past 9 years so I don't hesitate to recommend them.

    I have little experience with portables, but the mighty/crafty are the only two that I consistently hear good things about.
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  5. https://www.planetofthevapes.com/products/planet-of-the-vapes-lobo

    I own a mighty and they work great but require frequent recharging if you do heavy sessions
    Light to medium sessions I get 4-6 which gets me through the day but some folks complain

    The above vape from planet of the vapes has some decent reviews
    Loading and cleaning are suppose to be superior to the mighty/crafty from S&B
    Considering one for the holiday sales
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  7. So you're saying the UTILLIAN 722 gives you decent clouds of vapor
  8. Ok I am now looking at the Couchlog vape which is a log vape with ceramic balls and I love log vapes.

  9. IMG_20231105_175945.jpg

    B2 ball vape with several hundred 3mm rubies
    Have a B1 injector head
    Both from cannabis hardware

    Log vapes are considered plug ins and are semi conspicuous
    Good vape devices from the reviews
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  10. You forgot the key word ! PORTABLE OR DESK TOP ?
    I own The Mighty, works great, Normally its used the most for when I am traveling or at a friends house where his wife hates the smell of a burning joint . But as said above battery life is short,
    I bought the Lookah ICE Cream cone Dry Herb Vaporizer for gift for a friend, seems to work ok but its small so i think it will require being charged allot.
    Been thinking of buying the newest volcano. just waiting for the right price during the holidays.
    No one in here owns every dry herb vaporizer, we can only give advice on what we own or have used.

    I use crumble or live resin in my mighty sprinkled on dry herb.
    So far so good,
    The best vaporizers should be the desk tops.
    For portable My mighty does good, Took me a little while to get the hang of using it.
    I like a big all at once shotgun style hit. as far as I know most vaporizers will not do that with out going through a bong.
    happy hunting
  11. If you want portable good flavor low price high smack then the rogue wax works quartz mega cap is very good.

    You want desktop there is no better than ballvapes
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  12. I’ve had a 722 since they came out. They produce nice clouds. And good taste. They heat up fast, are easy to clean and it’s a solid middle of the road dry herb vape. If you’re looking for a vape to use multiple times daily, I’d look elsewhere. The 722 will require daily charges if you’re hitting it multiple times daily. For occasional use, it’s fine. I don’t use mine daily.
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