im just one tiny, purposeless thing in an enormous universe

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by himynameiskyle, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Hey blades, lately ive been having overwhelming feelings of being such an insignificant being living in such a gigantic universe. I always feel like nothing i do will have any significance in the long run because in the end we all die. but until then we are just supposed to take the shit life has to throw at us. It just feels like a lose/lose situation to me. Every day i face a new dilemma that i wish i could just blow off because thats how much i dont want to deal with shit. I just want to live, ya know? If you only live once, I want to get everything out of it that i can. but i get nothing.
  2. Your purpose is to make the world better when you leave it than when you came into it.

    And everyone goes through shit, the ones that are strong get through it with flying colors. The others... not so much...
  3. I like to look at it as me being the universe experiencing itself subjectively.

    I AM god, and the whole of the universe is simply a projection of my own creation manifested to guide my node of awareness into merging with the universal consciousness.

    If you look at it like that, you're the most important thing in existence...but doing that without an Ego is the tricky part.
  4. I have one suggestion. Sell everything you own, and move to the most remote and gigantic forest you can find, idk Peru or some shit. And just live off of the land, do nothing but fuck native bitches, smoke weed, and hunt animals and shit for food.. Fuck yeh. You could even grow some crazy Peruvian weed :metal:
  5. I don't know how people can think like this, every single person is an important part of history and fate, whether we think it or not. By typing this comment I could perhaps convince you that life is not so bad, causing you to have a change in mindset and set an entire different set of events into sequence in your life, and therefore in other people's lives.

    You have an existing "Footprint" on the world you live in, and the world would be a MUCH different place 100 years after you were supposed to die even if you'd never lived. You might have had a child that cured cancer, you might have raised the next Hitler. YOU could have been the next Hitler, who the hell knows?

    We also never disappear from existence, if you think about genetics, we give 50% of ourselves to our child, or thereabouts, if that's the case, you'd slowly go out of existence over the course of time, going from 50% to 25% to 12.5% and so on, you'd become a smaller part of the world, but the genetics that you passed on would influence actions of your descendants. Let's say your 'Weed smoking gene' got passed down through the ages, then one of those generational children are the front line for making Cannibis illegal (Let's hope it doesn't take that long). It would be the part of you that you'd passed on in this life that had made a significant difference on the world later on.

    Now that you've read my post, do you feel more important? I sure as hell do when I think about it like that.
  6. thats how i felt after smoking salvia.. its scary nd i dont like thinking about it:(

    just live life day by day and enjoy it to the fullest!
  7. disregard universe, smoke weed

  8. Yeah. I know exactly how you feel. I think that way too much. :( The truth of the matter is everything you say is basically true...
  9. That's why you do something with your life. I'm pretty sure Michael Jordan, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs didn't have that mind set.
  10. My goal in life is to become a chemist so I can essentially give out free drugs to people who want them at fests. It's honestly the best damn feeling in the world, its really a shame I can't describe in detail the number of ways it helps you.
  11. You're right, and you are wrong.

    Sure, to the whole universe we are meaningless, but details are just as important as the big picture. You influencing your little bro to get clean of meth, or inspiring your friend to draw can change their life and other peoples lives when they notice how successful these people are at their chosen tasks.

    So remember, the big picture is important, but the details make up the big picture, and how these details are laid out can change a painting of a woman on a beach enjoying herself to a women on the beach being yelled at by her husband.

    We are all important to each other, and because of this we have a purpose.
  12. Belize instead of Peru, or the moutains of eastern Europe or dare I say the Lithuanian coast
  13. When I tend to look at the enormity of the universe, it makes me feel very small and worthless which humbles me greatly. Then I turn and see the people around me, family and friends. And how occasionally I make them smile or laugh, and the fact that I can make some one happy even for a moment makes me feel so incredibly important. Don't worry about school, or work, or any problems you may be having. Just look at the people around you and enjoy their company while it lasts, because nothing is forever, and you don't want to look back and realize how great you had everything and spent all your time worrying about shit that didn't really matter.
  14. THAT SHIT RIGHT HERE is why life is worth living

    edit: not money, not sex, not drugs, not fame, nothing you would be likely to see on television. You can incorporate these into your life to enhance it, but nothing is going to bring you happiness unless you are actually happy to enjoy it

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