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I'm in a spot, here....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by JustJoe78, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. Ok, here is my problem:

    1.) Have a bunch of top-notch bud from my fave collective.
    2.) Broke up with my GF who just happened to be my toking buddy.
    3.) Probably gonna get tested for a new job so I shouldn't toke.
    4.) Can't smoke at my place. (My choice, the house is brand new and I just don't want to get in the habit of doing so. Also, my friend/housemate doesn't smoke.) I could go out on the patio but haven't done so.
    5.) Don't want to toke up alone. The ex got the friends, and I got shit.


    1. Your number one in this list is certainly not a problem
    2. Im sure you got more people to hang w/
    3. Dont smoke weed!! ( If you do plz dont make another DT thread in 2 weeks)
    4. Go on the patio if your friends cares, if not why not smoke in your house?
    5. Smoking alone isnt bad
  2. the good (weed, house, job) seem to outweight the bad (gf, smoking alone). so just light up.
  3. I smoke alone 95% of the time. I find it more fun in some ways.

    Also, the smell won't stay in your house, and you can always go outside.
  4. i think the fact that you have some good buds and a new house is the opposite of a problem but im sorry about the girl thing

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