Im high as a kite I just might Check you out

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by EvenlySpaced, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Hey, I'm new here, I sorta gave a introduction in someone else's post, but one introduction just isn't ENOUGH. So I'll just say I'm looking forward to meeting everyone, people here seem pretty cool and chill.

    To wrap up this post, here's some words of wisdom by Mr. Bob Dylan:

    "Everybody must get stoned"
  2. Welcome to the city. (someone said that to me. I joined today too)

    have fun :D
  3. Welcome to the city!! :p Ill see ya around stranger!!

    - Puffer
  4. Whats up man. Welcome to the city. This place is chill as fuck:bongin:
  5. Welcome to the city! :wave:

  6. hahaha.

    sorry this just made me laugh.

    welcome to the city.

    props on the dylan quote.
  7. 40posts already? lol nice.

    And Welcome to the both of you haha

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