sometimes it sounds like a friends voice, or lyrics from a song, really quite, not loud or specific words. Its weird, i have to stop what im doing, turn off any music, and listen to it. Anyone else ever hear muffled/whispering when your really high? X
i always hear incredible shredding guitar licks in my bathroom fan when im high. im trying to learn how to play the guitar so i can cash in on it
I get the same thing, sometimes. I read somewhere that that's apparently a sign of Schizophrenia, but I'm going to bet that it isn't likely what's up.
It's not really a sound, it's more of a feeling but you translate it into a sound. I get that but as a thought, i will be thinking and while i am it's like i have another brain thinking as well,looking at things from a different view
it's actually inorganic beings. the boundaries in your mind are too powerful to let them through totally but if you block them off and let them in they will actually talk to you. you will get them more in dreams because when you dream naturally your brain lets down these barriers with more ease.
wow, this sounds so trippy, so its just your mind? i heard about the schizophrenia thing, saw a good documentary, very scarey, but i doubt it.. everyone is so itelligent
I know what you mean, happens to me sometimes when I'm really stoned. [ame=]YouTube - Cypress Hill Illusions lyrics[/ame]
the inorganic beings aren't in your head they live in another "world" that you probly cannot grasp because of what you have deemed as "real." they come to you because they seek companionship and friends or because you unknowing put out signs you want them to come to you.
I thinnk everyone participating in this thread hears voices, or like i like to say feel voices. sometimes my thoughts go against each other and as soon as i realize i always say to myself *what the fuck am i doing* and usually have something in my head repeating what im saying, weird?
Could you describe it any better? You may possibly being communicated to via telepathy...I'm not kidding. There are a couple other scenarios as well. Also, what do the messages say? That info would be great - peace, joy, love, and light
that is some freaky stuff...that is so complex to grasp, as such theres another realm.. is that the realm that houses the feeling of "the vortex" tapping into the subconious ? ill just put it out there, sometimes when i boost up my weed, i talk to myself...anyone else do that?
i talk to myself a lot but the biggest reason is i like to hear myself talk lol but yes it's difficult to grasp and just saying you do doesn't mean you actually do. and not just another realm but REALMS. and no it's just another world where the inorganic beings live. there are probly tons and tons more or different ones. you can visit them in your energy body and the easiest way would be through your dreams (although you can in daily life but you wouldn't be in your daily world if you did it but it is much harder). although you would have to open the "dream gates" first before you could reach them.
When I'm high, It's like I can hear peoples thoughts sometimes ha ha. Sounds crazy, but I'm serious. It's not actually words I hear, but it's like the energy their givin off. And it hits me loud and clear. If I mention the subject of the supposed thought in conversation, it kinda throws their body language and shit off. I pay extra close attention to detail and body language when I'm high too, so it's like I'm watching their facial expressions switch up in slow motion. Things aren't really going in slow mo, but when I'm high I'm extra focused so I notice all the little things
I think sometimes I just spend too much time alone especially while smoking and I just get in my head too much. For me I find the cure is to just be social for a while. Everything needs a balance. Life is better when we practice moderation with everything. Too much of everything - water, fruit, being alone- is never good.
Oh, I've heard the voices, and sounds. Not always when I'm high. Chimes and rushed whispering usually. A full word here or there. I used to hear my name as well. Hasn't happened in a few months. I always thought it was either psychosis, ghosts, or telepathy.
I doubt but anyways it's usually when im thinking of something or about doing something, mostly in car rides. i will be thinking but to realize that i could sort of hear my thoughts and once i realize it begins. that voice i can't hear but i know it's there and can understand, its always against me or takes actions that happened into more details for example. im think about whether my friend fucked me over or didnt,like anyone the thought grows into details, maybe he did this maybe that. once i realize this is happening the voice kicks in. he didn't do it,remember when this happened...... and it's right but i didn't remember anything happening until i heard that voice. i never really discussed this with anyone, my bad if im not clear enough
i talk to myself because im having a conversation with either myself, or someone else, in my head, im talking to them about a situation or something, and i say it. this is the most insightful and thought provoking thread how did you learn about our 'Realms' ? i never knew before this. just proves how amazing cannabis is x
that sounds exactly like an inorganic being acidtrip. spindles look for the author Carlos Castaneda. he has many books on various topics including this one.