The first yes was agreeing that you should write a book. The second yes was because I'll read it. The third yes was because I want to be in it. Idk anymore though........
oh ahahahaha that makes sense. YEAH BUT SERIOUSLY intense it's gonna be like slightly futuristic but also kinda modern and like all the planets are pretty close to each other, it's gonna be fantasy type shit it's gonna look SO DOPE ok so anyway and we have these super highways or like monorail type shit that can transport us to different planets and we can visit or live there whatever, just bare with me we're all fairly at peace with each other im gonna include my friends in it, we'll all be from different worlds and eventually meet. we'll toke together c: and we eventually grow up together andddd thennnn CONFLICT STRIKES HOLY FUCK WAR OF THE WORLDS WE ALL GO TO BATTLE AND WE HAVE THESE PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR MASK TYPE SHIT SO WE CAN'T SEE FACES AND IN THE END MY TWO MALE FRIENDS WILL BE FIGHTING TO THE DEATH AND RIGHT BEFORE THEY'RE ABOUT TO KILL EACH OTHER, ONE OF THEM RIPS OFF THE OTHERS MASK AND HE'S LIKE, HOLY SHIT IT'S _____ MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND OMG AND THEN HE'LL RIP OFF HIS OWN MASK AND THE OTHER DUDE WILL BE LIKE, HOLY FUCKING SHIT BILL WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME