Im going to let my kids swear

Discussion in 'General' started by Mackerowenie, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. If I ever have a child that cunt is going to own all of your widdo sensitive pc children. I'll let him or her watch scarface and shit when they are two.
  2. Fortunately for the child, at 2 years old, they're not going to take in anything from the film. It will just be a picture and sound to them, likely one that they'll ignore in favor of toys or random objects around the room. Nice try though. :wave:
  3. Id rather not have my kids cussing all the time. Id look like a real asshole of a parent. Seems stupid

  4. Yes. I said I'd play them a movie like that so they will imitate it and start shooting machine guns and shit... Nice try PG mommy :rolleyes:
  5. Nowhere near PG, just rational. :) Also, mommy? Not a woman, but cool beans. haha.
  6. You could just move to Oregon. Our obscenity laws were struck down as unconstitutional. lol Depending on where you live, though, you may want to check out your obscenity laws because you really aren't going to be happy if you get 15+ lawsuits a week after your kid starts kindergarten. :laughing: You'll wish you were considerate of the other parents who don't want their children to talk like you.
  7. clearly we have a bunch of responsible stoner parents on this forum!
    teach your children good not bad. teaching a child its ok to swear is foolish! they will get nowhere in life!
  8. I could apply your logic to cursing to potty training a child.
    "Piss is natural, we all piss, piss where you want!"

    See the problem?
  9. Yeah, fuck it.. They will just do it behind your back anyways. That's what I did.

  10. you read my mind man.. words have no power at all, only if you let them
  11. #31 Jumbo, Aug 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2012
    how the fuck does what they say have anything to do with how well they do. Look at almost any comedian, the shit they say is fucked.

    yet everyone loves them. and apparently if a kid curses they will be gang bangers and sell drugs? lol OK. :cool: :rolleyes:

    its a fucking word man.... WORD.

    but watching scarface at 2 is kind of fucked. lol :bongin:
  12. I'm gonna let my motherfucking kids start swearing when I feel they can do it responsibly. There is a time and a place for everything, and I want to be sure they won't be calling anybody a fucking cunt when a teacher/relative/authority figure is present.
  13. Children in Europe where they are extremely lax on drinking (kids can drink a glass of wine or a beer with a meal), by the time they reach HS or college age, tend to be MUCH more responsible with alcohol than HS or college age children in America, where it's restricted as hell. I figure the same concept would apply.

  14. I agree with this. If you take out the motive of rebelling and being defiant, they will be much more chill with it.

  15. Well, the difference is that you did it behind their back, not in public, like a restaurant, where swearing like you're in your front room isn't always appropriate. Unless you're going to be a McDonald's parent, in which case your kids're probably pretty fucked either way. :confused_2:
  16. You are being a hypocrit by saying "you don't know my life" because you called him a fool first. You gave off the impression of being bitter becasue what you wrote was bitter, don't put a guy down for pointing out the obvious. Whether or not you mean to, you appear to be a troll but I will post what I think anyway because I have nothing better to do.

    First of all I think letting kids swear is a bad idea. This is because I have met a large number of people who use to word "fuck" much too often and unnessecarily and it makes them look like idiots. The fact is when someone says "Look at that fucking, huge ass rock over there!" they don't normally mean there is a giant ass shaped rock being sexually penetrated. Curse words often become a habit and lose their meaning. Repeatedly saying fuck makes you look stupid, this is why people look at you funny if you say it in public.

    Cursing is not socially accpetable (I'm not saying I agree with it, that's just a fact). One reason you appear to do it is because it bothers other people (which does makee you a bitter person). If someone wore a SWASTIKA on their jacket it wouldn't hurt anyone. It would be offensive, unnessecary, and make you look like an idiot, just like saying fuck all the time.

    Why don't you teach your kids about music or something because saying fucking shit all the fucking time makes you look like a big ass fucking retard and clearly isn't a fucking form of fucking expression. Reading that sentence should give you an idea of how you prebably sound. I feel sorry for your children because judging by what you say,they will probably grow up to be poorly educated. You make me wonder if people think...
  17. Forgot to mention (I really don't mean to sound like a bitch) but there is no use for the word "fuck" in our language. In less you say "do you wanna fuck?" you really aren't using the word properly. Just figured I'd add that in there.
  18. #38 Anonimo, Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2012
    If you make a word taboo you empower it
    [ame=]GEORGE CARLIN ''Seven Dirty Words'' 1/2 - YouTube[/ame]


    [ame=]Lenny - Lenny Bruce hard words - YouTube[/ame]
  19. This whole thread is hillarious. Anyone ever meet a kid that DIDN'T swear? People may say they will or will not allow their children to swear, but all that does change the locations where your children will do the swearing that they will be doing anyway.

    All kids swear, as a parent you just have to decide whether it's worth blowing an ass gasket over. I just taught my son not swear in front of adults or in public. I had sense enough to know that I couldn't control what comes out of his mouth at all times. I further had sense enough to know that my kid would swear at least as much as every kid on the planet.

    What's the big fucking deal? We all swore a when we were kids, we turned out ok.......
  20. I agree man. Its retarded how you can say poo, you can mostly say crap, yet you cant say shit. You can say vagina, you can mostly say pussy, but cunt is treated as the worst of all the swearwords. That's another thing I dont get. My mum hates 'the C word' more than any other "because of the way it sounds", she doesnt even know the meaning of it lmao. Dont get me started on the whole "Shut the F up/F off", you might aswell say the word, it still has the same meaning.

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