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I'm going to have to get some of this....

Discussion in 'General' started by JuniorCain, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. I was checking my email today and noticed there was a newsletter from

    New product...

    It sounds pretty awesome, especially the little warning they give about how it's lethal... haha.

    I'm definitely trying out.

    400th POST!
  2. eww, that's scary. Caffeine is a dangerous drug man! I hope that thing crashes and burns in the marketplace, cuz that's not cool.
  3. Thats gonna lead to a shitload of abuse imo, wish i had one tho :smoking:
  4. Too bad its fake lol ......
  5. :( those assholes, i tried ordering one to, oh well back to snorting caffine
  6. Those fuckers.... I didn't even know. Haha.
  7. I was convinced! I wish it was real though.


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