I'm going to become a hermit.

Discussion in 'General' started by JamestheFreak, Mar 1, 2012.

  1. I'm thinking of either moving to the wilderness in some remote mountain or a deserted island to be far away from society. Which one do you think I should move to?
  2. it's funny, i started a thread about this not too long ago. it would be amazing. watch the show "dual survival", teaches you a lot about it.
  3. how are you going to get food!
  4. Duh I'll hunt for my food, I might find some fruit too.

  5. this. hunt your own food, make a fire, build your own shelter, get your own water....live off the land. like the earth's population over the past 4 billion years have done. if they could do it 10,000 years ago i'm pretty damns ure we could now, considering all the shit we DO know
  6. Yeah I was thinking of the wilderness too. I'm gonna need to get the body of a mountain man so I can wrestle with bears.
  7. How many threads like this can we possibly have? I swear I see some guy wanting to do some Into the Wild shit everyday on here, but the reality is, no one is gonna do it.

    Edit: Don't get me wrong it would be cool and all but not permanent. I wouldn't quit everything to go try to be self-sufficient and then realize you aren't set out for it and then you're homeless and shit.
  8. I'm going to stick with it, I fucking hate people and I prefer having the peace and quiet of being by myself.
  9. before you go into the woods, watch the movie "Into the Wild" and be sure to do more than he does or else nature will rape you.
  10. I'll make sure I do some survival training and make sure I am fully prepared. I'm probably gonna do this in my 30s or 40s when I'm finally sick of society. I might do it sooner if some shit happens in this sorry excuse of a country.
  11. Move to a deserted island and build your own shack out of logs, make sure its the proper climate to grow weed in, buy a bunch of seeds, start growing for yourself. And for food and water...idk just live off the land hunting for your food and shit.
    Most importantly... do no forget your flesh light. lmfao
  12. ok then where r u gunna get your weed? sounds like a good idea...definitely isnt...lol

    why do u need to move to the middle of no where in order to live peacefully? move into a small cottage near the water where it is quiet and peaceful, and just keep to yourself
  13. Island. Mountains get too cold, too much struggle. An island gives you a source of food for all of your life - the ocean. Maybe not so much in the winter.. you'd better learn how to create long-term storage for food. Not just meats, but fruit.. grow vegetables (and weed).. fresh, clean water.. protection from the elements.. what plans are you setting in place?
  14. I think it would be cool..You should wilderness it up James.. Go hunting and foraging, live off the land... Hmmm..

    Then find some wifi and report to all of us about your adventure.

  15. I read the book and I am not gonna end up like that idiot.
  16. Bring some seeds of all kinds with ya!

    Grow some weed, some fruity, veggies. Do it!!

    Then come back and get a TV show on how to do it lol be rich in no time!
  17. Mountains. As much as an island would be nicer, try getting a pizza delivered to an island, it's a bitch. :(
  18. To get away from people, I think that living in the woods where you have to constantly hunt and fish in order to survive is overdoing it. If anything, you should just get a piece of property in a rual, middle of nowhere arera, and live self-sufficiently by farming your needs.

  19. Hmm not a bad idea.

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