I'm going to be a millionaire.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by darkus, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. #1 darkus, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    So I was taking out the trash and an idea which I consider to be brilliant popped into my head.


    Firefly farms

    That's right. Just like ant farms, only with fireflies. How badass would it be to have a big cage/terrarium in your room full of fireflies? That's right, really badass. Now as far as the logistics behind it, I'm pretty clueless. Would it even be possible to create an indoor environment suitable to sustain firefly life, without any fancy expensive equipment? Somewhere where they could reproduce and be happy enough to blink their tail ends for our enjoyment.

    I dunno, it sounds like a good idea to me. Thoughts?

  2. Jesus christ that pic is an amazingly clear sky.

    As far as fireflys i have no damn clue lol just had to comment on that pic.
  3. Haha, That's an AWESOME idea. No more wasting money on lights. Don't let anybody steal it :rolleyes:
  4. Better make a patten quick!
  5. thatd be pretty crazy. be awesome to have while tripping. a firefly bit me once, killed the little shit

  6. That's why camping in secluded areas is awesome.

  7. Agreeeeeeddd. :smoke:
  8. I can go up north to my Cottage for that.

    Not a good Idea, IMO. .. .. :)
  9. But WHY? You wouldn't want a few dozen pet fireflies?

  10. Sorry, been wondering this for a while, what is IMO supposed to mean?
  11. why not? it's a new idea. why did people used to want a pet rock? just cause. it's new. it's not a bad idea.
  12. In My Opinion

    and IMHO is

    In My Humble Opinion

  13. Ahhh, why thank you very much.
  14. isnt this something someone can do by themselves, for little to no money at all?
  15. The guy who "invented" the pet rock did make well over a million off that... Shit the country has a bunch of get-rich-quick folks from the obama campaign.

    Sometimes Honest instead because some people are honestly just assholes. :)

    You can go outside and pick up a rock and just draw a face on it, too... didn't stop that guy from becoming rich.
  16. #16 darkus, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Yeah, but anyone can find ants outside too. It's the convenience of having several already caught male/female fireflies, and coming with a pre-assembled net cage terrarium thingy.

    I'm not really serious about the getting rich of it thing. One, I don't have the funds to put into a little venture like this, and two, I really lack the motivation.
  17. What the hell do fireflys eat?
    do they only glow at certain times?

    We have glow worms here, they'd surely be a little easier?

    it'd be neat! artificial stalagmitess and stalagtites (spelling?)
  18. #18 darkus, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    Firefly Light Production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    I was gonna quote it but I figured it'd just be easier for go there. There's a lot of sciency words.


    They probably just eat leaves/foliage.
  19. Sounds like a cool idea man, I would buy one; catching fireflies is hard as fuck, and you need at least two for them to light up (a male and female pair). I caught one as a kid and it wouldn't light up alone, so I set it free again.
  20. great idea op, but i think its been done. This guy made a song about his experience in one
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPFTfB2BEN8"]YouTube- Fireflies-owl city OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO[/ame]

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