im getting sick of my dad.

Discussion in 'General' started by HighHaze, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. this thread can die, im over the situation plus i got to record my song

    if you dont see why im complaining then please read my post over

  2. Not everyone has a few grand to pull out of their ass for a car. Some people don't live in small towns where you can ride your bike to wherever it is you need to go. Sure, his dad doesn't have to let him use the car, but he told his dad ahead of time that he was going to need the car at a specific time because he had to be somewhere. If you were in his situation I doubt you'd be such a douche about it.
  3. foreal? haha nah seriously:confused::confused:
    im just curious how she does it.
  4. Legally blind doesn't actually mean blind, it just means you have terrible vision.
  5. I feel ya man, I've been getting sick of my dad lately with his drinking problems. He lives in another state, and I only get to see him 2 or 3 weeks a year. Out of those 2-3 weeks I see him, he is always drunk and it's really starting to piss me off. He can't even stop drinking during the limited time I get to see him.
  6. thanks man, it seems like no matter how many disclaimers you put there are always some people that just dont get it. ive repped you recently already
    well thats a more serious situation, but im sorry bro

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