Hey guys I'm getting a tattoo when i get cash together, probably by my birthday. Then I'm getting a dragon across my right chest and the tail down to the elbow then eventually fully detailed sleeves This is the first one, will be on right shoulder. It's how I'm know by EVERYONE i know, Akens One.
Looks really cool, man! I don't know if i would get the sharp shadow stuff by the A and O, but that's just me. I think it will be a sick tattoo.
Sems bro, art is a beautiful thing, but I just don't think it belongs on a body. Then again, that's speaking for my own personal body. I'd hate to have part of my body covered up by ink, but if you have to do it, just makes sure in twenty years you'll still think it's tight.
I think i will man, it will be done perfectly, not going to waste money and ruin my body with something i wont like.
My nickname is Akens1 doesn't mean anything really. It was my "Graffiti tag" from the age of 11 so it's how everyone has known me ever since, grew outta that many years ago now.
I love it Sems! Actually I love tats in general. I'm about to get my sixth. Do it and post pics, it'll look awesome! (Have a spliff first, it helps with the pain )