im gay and i have a gf?

Discussion in 'General' started by McLovin23_x2, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. haha. okay, bare with me.
    so i'm gay, or at least thats what i thought. im attracted to men, but there have been very few, and select women that ive been attracted to. maybe 2 or 3 my entire life. and the only reason i think i would be the slightest bit attracted to them was because they were one of my best friends. but... the feelings were never that strong, so i just shrugged them off.
    well now i have a friend who is a girl, and ive always been afraid to tell her that im gay. why? i have no idea. i dont really care who knows and who doesnt. she was in one of my classes last semester, and we talked but not too much. (at least not enough to disclose my sexual preference.) and then out of no where we atated talking alot over facebook. (my orientation is not disclosed on facebook for personal reasons.) i mean like a lot alot. so last night she says to me, (ive never had a boyfriend like you.)
    im her boyfriend? i know her a lot, and weve met up a couple times in a sort-of-dating-scenario, but i wouldnt see her as my girlfriend. and then it hit me, she was one of those girls who i was somewhat attracted to. to her personality more than anything, but still, enough to say to myself, 'im just going to let this be, and see how it rolls.' so i guess she said that to test the waters... to see if i felt the same way. but im still confused. :confused: i dont think im venting here, but im just... recording? who knows, i dont understand anything anymore.

  2. maybe you're bi.

    and the boyfriend comment, perhaps it slipped out and she doesnt think you're together, she just thinks you talk to her or understand her better than any of her previous boyfriends?

    if you like her keep seeing her, and if/when it comes to sex and it doesnt get you going, good chance girls arent for you.
  3. You're still young, so this is pretty normal.

    I think, however, that you should be honest with her up front in case you decide later on that a relationship won't work because of your sexuality. It would be pretty tough on her self-esteem to have a boyfriend suddenly "turn gay".

    If she knows ahead of time what your feelings are, but you still want to pursue it, then it at least gives her the opportunity to back out or use caution.
  4. test the waters while u have the chance
  5. cool nice one
  6. Hmmm.....

    Hit that pussy man.

    Buttholes are dirty... pussy is gooooood :D:wave:
  7. If you know you're gay, then I think you should tell her. She sounds like a sweetheart, and you guys can be great friends, but that's not fair to her if she has feelings for you and you're gay. If you're unsure, and want to try things out, go for it, but realize that the longer she doesn't know and is led on, the worse it's going to be and the less chance of a post-relationship friendship.
  8. Seems like you're feeling something, and the fact that you haven't told her that you're gay yet could mean that you are attracted and/or interested in her. Go with it man, maybe you're bi.
  9. Give it a shot. You should experiment while your young. Who knows, you may fall in love with her even though your gay. I would wait a little while and then tell her that your bi but your main thing is guys and she's the first girl you've been with. If you really like her and she knows your gay, it would probably make her feel good about herself, like "wow i'm so great i made a gay guy strait for now"

  10. Amen :yay:
  11. Are you a virgin with chicks/ If you are how do you know untill you try?

  12. How do you know you wouldn't like buttsex with a man if you haven't tried it?

    Call me crazy, but I'm guessing this is one of those things that people just know...
  13. you just fucking blew my mind man. Dont do that.

  14. Bro if you like her fucking pursue it WTF? It doesnt matter what you think you are or what the fucking television tells you. Stop worrying about it, she sounds like a sweet girl just sit back and enjoy the ride. Why do I have to explain this on GC :confused:
  15. good advice^

    Also, as far as the boyfriend comment - theres a few options there. One could be, and don't take this personally, but she might have said it knowingthat your gay. I know you said you haven't told her and whatnot, but there's a chance she's figured it out. I've never met you, so I can't say - but i can tell you i have met people who i were shocked when i found out they were gay, and i've met others where i could tell they were from the second i met them... so maybe she just knew and is just being friendly with you??? just a thought

    but i'd test the waters, especially if your "confused." But if thats the case, definitely take Penelope's advice... you don't want to absolutely crush the poor girl if it turns out you werent really confused in the first place
  16. McLovin, I jsut wanted to add something. Everyone says try it, try it, maybe you'll like it. Just remember this. More often than you think, marriages will last 20+ years with one spouse actually being gay. This happened in my family, and now that my parents finally split, they are both much happier. Do what feels best.

  17. It does matter, because there is another person involved.

    It would be incredibly selfish to pursue it without telling her straight-up that he thinks he might be gay.

    Isn't that something YOU would want to know about a person before you started dating?
  18. see its not even that i think i might be gay... its just never been in the question really. ive always liked boys. and sure, theres a few girls ive gotten close to, but it was nothing. so thats why im confused up the ass. idk. im taking her to a carnival tonight, so well see what happens.

  19. *woosh* right over your head.

    Seriously so you think that if they are together and she pursues him to make out he's going to freak out and say ewww I'm gay?? Sorry to tell all of you who this is going to piss off but there is no gay gene :smoke:.

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