Im freaking out!!!!! help!

Discussion in 'General' started by Shock and Awe, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. I swear like Im goin gto die!! im so fucking high no joke like im seriously about to die!! what if i got too high and now im goin gto die D; what fuck do i do to calm down!! help!! but i feel really really good.
  2. You aren't dying. Get a glass of ice water, sit on the couch, and watch mindless television. Take some deep breaths too.

  3. 0 people have died from weed EVER.
    Stop over reacting
  4. Call an ambulance and tell them you're dying and then hang up.
  5. nah nah nah man my parents are fucking sleeping and my door makes this huge craking noise when i open it and that will wake them hence making them get up to check what the noise was hence getting me busted. i hotboxed my room like no bodys business and if they see me im gonna freak out...i rahter die then get caught lol wow laughing helps..just a little...should i keep smoking?

  6. stop smoking, crack the window, turn the fan on to blow the smoke out, spray febreze or light a candle.
  7. i know i wont die but it feels like i will. i just dont like this feeling :(

  8. Don't be stupid and smoke when your parents are home next time, and it'll be a chiller high. You're just really stressed and paranoid because they are downstairs
  9. Ive been smoking in room at night with my parents home for like a year never been caught. as long as im in my room im safe :) idk tonight im just having a weird high is all
  10. I sure hope this thread gets deleted.
  11. what are you guys doing??? just tell him hes gonna die, yes motherfucker youre gonna die now stfu and be high
  12. I'm a certified EMT and the first thing you need to do is figure out your heart rate. The most accurate way to get a pulse is to penetrate your rectum with your finger. When you feel a pulse take your other hand and start masturbating rapidly. This will cause your heart rate to rise, but you'll still be keeping track of your pulse. When you ejaculate your heart rate will drop back to a normal pulse, and you can pull your finger out of your butt. Repeat as necessary.
  13. that made laugh so hard xD i feel way better now :)
  14. smoke another bowl it will calm you down, reply back when you do.
  15. This is Signature Worthy and A Half people. LOL.
  16. damn hotboxed your room? i hit my one hitter out of the window and it still stinks up my house

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