im dying to talk to you

Discussion in 'General' started by since93, Feb 5, 2011.

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  1. how much more of a fool do i have to make myself?...
  2. call 911

    someones allways there ready to talk,,,,,[​IMG]
  3. what i have done to you for you to hate me so much?
  4. You slept with my wife. I know it was you because she said she hasn't cheated on me since '93.
  5. Who's hating you man?

    Nobody hates you.

    Everybody loves you.

    It's all in your head man.

    It's all in your head.
  6. And have you two had any sex since then?
  7. thanks for the humor and support guys, its really appreciated at times like these....

    royksopp, please...i just wanna talk to you you really want me to fuck off?...just say it
  8. howdy doodly neighbor
  9. What in the world is going on :confused:

    This is not positive vibes :(
  10. Only if you think it is.

    There's no positive vibes, there's no negative vibes,

    All in your head.

    It's all in your head. :smoke:
  11. [ame=""]YouTube - Rachmaninov plays Rachmaninov Piano Concerto 3 (1939)[/ame]
  12. Get on your knees and tell me you love me.
  13. I like you since, I think you're a pretty damn cool guy. I may never have personally met you but from what you show here you come off as a genuinely good person. You started all this good will with all of us helping each other out. Positive vibes man. Keep your head up! :smoke:
  14. I agree

    Idk if this will show up though


    Positive vibes smiley :p
  15. Oh shit, Grasscity drama.
  16. (The concert has just ended...)

    Bravo, man... bravo...
  17. Need help? 1-800-273-8255
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