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I'm dry......but i have kief...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by king8128, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. i dont have a large amout of kief collected in my grinder but i had enough to take about 5 decent hits from my bowl........fuck this is my first time smoking kief and damn it does get u high:hello:
  2. yea...thats what you do with keif....smoke im about to HAHAHAWWW
  3. I'm going to keep my shirt on and save my keif to make a batch of badass brownies I'm halfway there!!!
  4. im dry, and ive been smokin kief alllll daaaaaaay:smoking:
  5. i always have a salvia container full of kief for when im dry. smoke that tin and then i forget all about bad feelings lol.
  6. going to pick up a qrter :smoking:

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