So whas goin on?? Ill jus drunken ramble stoned shit here cuz i gotta sleep like soon and im jus still drankin liqour and steel 40's. ALmost fought my cuz today, Hahaha on dumbshit aient seen him in a few years looks completely different i was checkin his girl and ***** said somethin and i got routy ready to fight this ***** main. Turns out to be my cuz he reconized me the whole time haha. Buncha dumb shit. Drugs are awesome.
You must have a steel stomach drinking all that malt liquor dude. Glad to hear that the violence was avoided. Hope you have a great night bro. Peace
I haven't drank a 40 ounce since I have been old enough to drink. But before I was 21, I was always drinking OE Ice 800.
OE Ice is gangster, Aient been out in over 5 years. But im a alch and cant spend too much. So i spend about $40 a week to get fuckin smashed every night. So gkone.
KSR after seeing all your posts about 211 and never drinking it, i tried it and i loved it hahaha, kinda
are u black or what u seem kynda gangsta with all the steel 40's and blunts ahah jk jk What does the color of his skin matter? WTF does it matter???? Don't post if this is the best you can do, please. *RMJL
Fuckin gangster. What'd ya cop? 12'er, 16, 24, 32, 40. And was it black or silver label, Makes a major difference. All i drank is silver. Main... No comment... (Nothin against you, Personal shit.) <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> ^Been bumpin this track for a few years now, Reall shit, Gritty trill shit. Fuckn gone.
I got a 40, thats all i drank fool. and it was silver label [/quote] Silver's all i drank, Suposivley black is ;less carboated so tastes bnetter but its not around here ive njever had it. 211's good tho.
Well... I'm also drunk.. just rigged my macbook pro into my dads LCD so he could watch the new terminator series on hulu.. currently.. I popped a few vic because I'm out of weed and really don't want to feel hung over in the morning... how are you doing lol.
hha wasup ksr im kickin it too.. aint go no liquor but i got some pure kush that im rippin through the new sg! its gettin late over there
You and me both, man. I have the house to myself, so I'm drinking heavily tonight. Starting off with some Captain and Coke with some pizza to go along with it, but I also have a 750ml bottle of Jose Cuervo, two bottles of SKOL Vodka, half a bottle of Jim Beam, a bit of Jagermeister and... ten or twelve PBRs to get through. I think I'll be okay.