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I'm done for awhile.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by MandalaSmoker, Aug 25, 2008.

  1. Hello my fellow GC members.I have decided it's time to take a break from drugs for alittle bit.I know I have a problem with getting high.Be it weed,pills or other drugs.I am a med user I dont live in a med state though,however Itihnk I might be able to manage the sometimes severe pain I get with hydrocodone ONLY when it hurts the worst.I feel that if I continue to do drugs my life may fall apart and I may end up homeless or even worse dead.

    I dont even get high on marijuana unless I smoke obsurd amounts.I can smoke a blunt to the dome and not even be high.So its pretty much pointless besides the med effects.I have pain pills for when they are at there worst.

    I would like to stay sober for atleast 30 days.I think I may be able to do it but I need some support.Otherwise when day 2 or so comes along I will be like why the fuck am I not getting high?Then I will want to get high and thats when the support helps the most.

    I have been high for atleast 2 years every day.I want to stop this and enjoy life without being high 24/7.I really need this and I hope I can do it otherwise I have no idea what will happen nor what I would do.

    All my friends get high and when I told them I was quitting they didnt argue but they sure didnt take me serious or appreciate it.Man this suck depending on drugs to help me live my life.

    I have 5.4 grams of Dank left.I am going to smoke ONE more bowl after this thread and then I am going to try and do this shit.I have plans tomarrow with someone and it should fill up the whole day about.That will help becouse this person doesnt do anything but weed and they said they wouldnt burn any or bring it since I asked.

    I hope I get some support here becouse the "friends" I got are "drug friends".
  2. You're going to have a very hard time, especially if you've been high off of whatever for two years straight. Sobriety can be an incredibly boring, shitty, feeling, and the longer you go without it, the shittier it is.

    I would definitely cut the MJ out for at least a couple weeks. I used to be able to smoke two or three bowls out of my bong and not get high, and I can imagine how frustrating a blunt is that doesn't get you high. After two weeks (or however long you decide), you'll get to rediscover weed. It is a wonderful, wonderful feeling.

    However, imagine the rewards you will receive if you can pull this off. You'll get things done, get a better grasp on your ability to control yourself, but best off all, drugs will feel that much better after a short break.
  3. if you dont get high anymore then what are you gonna miss?

    im really stoned and thats what stuck:D:wave:
  4. #4 MandalaSmoker, Aug 25, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2008

    Im alittle confused on this one.

    You may be saying when I am sober I wont miss anything becouse when I was high I was doing the same stuff?Or it could be saying I should keep doing drugs.

    Thanks Chronix.+rep for the encuragement.

    Ohh now I tihnk I may know.I said in my thread I didnt even get high of marijuana so whats the point.Okay I got ya its other drugs to though.My tolerance has bean high for ahwile and thats when I started doing other shit(about 3 years ago maybe)

    Make no mistake though I did my first hard drug around ten years ago.
  5. I'm in the same situation... I'm not even one day into my T-break and I'm already craving a hit...An 8th will last me 2 days at the most...Somehow... I've attempted many t-breaks...but 2-3 days in I ask myself wtf ..Why am I not getting high?...and I end up buying another sack.. Im with you on this one man...You got my support! :wave:
  6. Today is day one.I dont feel like I need to be high but I sure would like to be.Its kinda hard not smoking when its in front of your face.Good thing I am low on pain pills and dont have any other drugs.

    I will update later so I can track my progress on this.
  7. Good luck....
  8. So, What up man.. Hows your T-break going?.. I'm on day 3..and ive been trying to get some bud alll day!! haha.. For some odd reason..EVERYONES dry..I'm amazed..So i will continue my T-break untill I find someone!! It really does suck living sober.
  9. Hey there GC.I am on day two becouse the first day I met up with an old friend and we smoked a blunt.I gave away the rest of the dank to them so I wouldnt be tempted to smoke.

    I had to take a hydrocodone becouse my back was killing me and I couldnt lay down.Other than that I have not done any drugs.
  10. Its not as hard as you think. I smoked bud everyday for 3 years with no breaks and 2 weeks ago i stopped blazing completely cold turkey. Its easy to do if its something you WANT to do.
  11. Not every one is like that. Good for you stopping clean but more often then not people can't just stop cold turkey.

    sobriety isn't a curse, it's a choice.
  12. Well here it is.

    Around 3 1/2 years later.Whats going on medically has progressed.Ive lost alot of muscle.I work out a small amount and mayne that slows it some..I havent been diagnosed but I havent been to the doctor in a very long time.

    Ive beeb looking into it and havent found a connection with degenerative muscle symptoms and hypothyroidism.I was diagnosed with that some time ago.I also havent been able to get a prescription for synthriod in a long time.I know Im losing my hair and hopefully( really begging god or something here ) that this muscle stuff is a result of the hypothyroidism.

    Ive looked into myself for the past few years.It seems like this goes in phases.That would line up with flares from multiple sclerosis. I need to go to a reliable doctor.With no money its hard.Ive been trying to find a job but its hard to work with my body doing this.

    Everyone notices though and just keeps asking or saying Im getting skinny.These people dont understand and are not in the know.Its hard explaining when I havent a clue.I have alot of different ideas on what it may be I just havent been diagnosed.

    My muscles are leaving my body, I twich all over, get cramps often, and this all lines up with some sort of neurological conditions.Its gotten so bad Im scared of dying because of it and how one suffers dying going through this.

    I cried today alot, yesterday I cried when made fun of because of my body and what its going through.Marijuana seemed to possibly slow the muscle loss.I need to really get some and see what happens.

    I know about free clinics and I will go to one soon enough.Just not sure how they can help me man.Ive been so damn sad and upset about it just thinking makes me want to end all of this shit now so I dont worry and cry anymore.

    I still got one though and thats my mother.If you have anything at all to add if you think itll help please do so.Even prayer or wishful thinking is better than nothing at all.

    Ive been off and on drugs.Only weed and that legal smoke I cant get anymore.I still do smoke bud just not everyday.I certainly dont use how I use to.Moderation is what Ive learned.I just liked having not having to think I could be dying.Now that I dont have that.All I can do is hope and pray this is solved.

    If its neurological Im going to try and go to the Keshe foundation in Belgium to be healed.Barack Obama signef an executive order against medical devices abd a whole slew of other things that can and will help our planet inthe great ways.Thats a whole nother boat that sends me into a rage like no other.They supposedly can cure all this.An executives order and people I know that have attended the. Keshe foundations seminars in Belgium.

    Atleast Im not hooked on any drugs anymore though folks.That hell isnt fun friends.
  13. ive noticed alot of muscle loss in my left side...especially my hip
  14. i also am questioning the possibility of a problem with my thyroid
  15. i dont really know what to say but i hope everything is gonna be alright, i dont have any tips though and you've probably heard alot of times to focus your mind on other things but that shit is hard sometimes i know

    Im sorry to hear this
  16. Damn bro I'm sorry to hear about the painful experiences that you're going thru, is the hypothyroidism causing you to lose muscle, hair loss and cramps?
  17. Its most likely the cause of my hair loss.Im still looking around for other cases of extreme hypothyroidism. I havent found a whole lot but I havent looked as deep as I need to.

    I got my hands on some synthroid awhile back and took it for about two weeks.Thats about how long the doctors told me Id notice improvement. I did notice my hands looked fuller.We shall see man.Im getting a doctor appointment soon at a discount clinic.It isnt much but maybe they can offer me some advice and give me medicine to slow my muscle loss.At this point its so rappid It seems when I wake up every morning I notice it gets alittle worse.

    Im not really even sure how long it is my muscles will be here so long as they do this.I quit smoking actual Marijuana and just started up again to see if that helpa aswell.

    When people have neurological conditions they sometimes have the symptom of burning.Its happenes in the past for a few days at a time.My arms would feel as if they were being burned and sharp pinpoint pains go throughout my muscles.It does hurt but its nothing I cant deal with in my mind.I just hope if its something like ms I can get a could diagnosis (they eliminate every possibility and come up with it could be ms well thats wharlt Ive been reading.The last time I was at the doctor was so long ago O was in good shape with this still taking place.Now not so much.

    Shit man not being able to afford insurance and not having a job isnt good for my mind.If I had a job atleast I wouldn't think about this constantly.I wear a freaking hoodie so I dont see my boney ass arms.Nor so no one makes fun of me.I cant help this stuff man Ive tried in multiple ways with what Im limited to at the moment.

    If I die man all I can really say is not to be sad to everyone.I dont want to suffer any longer and with people talking about me its just hard to handle.I got some beer last night to take my mind off if it for abit and disnt even drink it.I just watched alittle tv and am hoping I get help soon man.

    Im still loving living this life.It gets better everyday and I see gow wonderful humans can be.Aswell as how damn beautiful this planet is.
  18. Im over 9 months sober, and lets just say not just weed...

    You can do it. Look up some groups in your area, and even if it seems weird at first stick around for a while (go several times) and keep an open mind.
  19. Damn dude, that doesnt sound good.

    You need to get that looked at ASAP. Seriously, just go dude! This is your life, dont lose it because you waited too long.

    I wish you the best my man.
  20. damn dude that sucks, hope you are ok.

    sometimes life really blows and its hard to deal with, you just have to do all you can to try and make things better.

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