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im buying a grinder i need help

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bobby82, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Firstly that second link is for a pollen press which isnt a grinder. its for pressing keif that collects at the bottom in a three chamber grinder. And secondly i wouldnt buy a grinder off the internet (Especially at that price) because you never know what you are getting and cheap grinders can put metal shavings in your bud. I like to get my grinders at head shops where i can inspect the quality before i buy.
  2. My suggestion is that if you don't know how to use one or what it's for, don't worry about buying one. Brief summary: an herb grinder separates and breaks the herb into small and even bits. It helps the weed burn more evenly, but this can also be achieved by simply using your fingers or scissors in a shot glass.

    If you're still intent on purchasing a grinder (eventually you will probably want to, but it's not necessary) then I'd say don't buy either of these cheap pieces of garbage because they'll most likely break or go dull after a month of use. (EDIT, didn't pay attention to the second being a pollen press. Refer to the post above by NorthWestBud)

    I'd suggest not buying one for now and observe some buddies who have grinders to become more familiar with them. Until then, throw a nug into a shot glass and chop away with some scissors, it works just as well.

    Hope that helps.
  3. ^^ What is said about the scissors and shot glass is a good substitute for a grinder. I've used that on many occasions when i didnt have a grinder with me.
  4. ahright cool thanks bigggg help and plus u guys just saved me some money thanks guys :smoke:
  5. go to your local headshop, you can get a nice grinder for 25$

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