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Im as baked as a ballsack on a hot summers day

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by assymcgee420, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. Just ripped that 2 foot illadelph with some royal hash oil....yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee what are u guys smoking?
  2. o fosho!!!!!! Fosho!!!!!!!
  3. Ive been told mine is Maui Wowie
  4. [quote name='"A Basshead"']weed.[/quote]

    No way?
    Is that what people are smoking now a day????
    Fuck man!
  5. lol.... point of this thread? several like it already
  6. Summer?...its cold as tits over here.
  7. yeah i was freezing while taking the fattest rips of my life this morning
  8. Mannn its horribly cold in England. Walked my dog, Light my spliff a child strait following me with his dog, then some guys coming at me with his. Im like fucksake. tear the cherry off. after they've gone. I try to light it again and no go cause my hands are so numb :mad:
  9. Bro why u gatta say ballsack for, that shit made me sick.
  10. [quote name='"Delluhsion"']Bro why u gatta say ballsack for, that shit made me sick.[/quote]

  11. Some unnamed dank.
  12. some schwag dirt weed, this shit is so dank man!


    got all of that for only $100! such a good deal!! i think theres even sum seeds in there! YES!!!
  13. You never go full retard.

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